Hey, remember that one time I said I was going to blog and talk about wonderful Christmas things and the 12 Days of Christmas?
"Vaguely, what ever happened to that, Caitlin?"
Finals, that's what.
So, since it's officially Dec. 15, I cannot do the 12 days of Christmas without running past Christmas. Lame, I know. But there is some very un-lame stuff for this post, too!
This morning the world was blessed with a 6 pound 15 ounce princess by the name of Jordyn Elizabeth Allen! I love second cousins! I can't wait to get home and smoosh her sweet baby cheeks. (I think they were a fourth of her birth weight. Just sayin'.)
I am also done with finals, so only the workday stands between me and my official break.
The first hours of break will consist of packing, doing laundry and getting my oil changed. Exciting stuff, really.
But I am really excited that I can now begin to process the fact that my best friend is getting married on Saturday. I continually had to force myself to focus on what was right in front of me, and buddy did I push some deadlines. (I'm gonna be a journalist. It's called creating a realistic work environment. Look it up, I bet it's real.) But all is done and well with the world, so I can start looking for ways to pack my bridesmaid dress without crinkling it to death. It's been really hard to take on any of the typical "maid of honor" duties, but the other girls seem really awesome and we have a couple of really fun ideas for the weekend. I highly doubt that Megan reads my blog (no offense if you just read that, M...) but I refuse to disclose the information about her "bachelorette party" on Friday. Suffice it to say that what I got for the lingerie portion of the night was on sale in the kids section of Target.
Also, let's talk about the weather. At this time last year, WKU had closed to campus because nobody could walk up the Hill, more or less drive to or from classes. This year I wore capris to the library. So. Weird. (Though my chemistry book quotes a direct correlation between the increasing amount of carbon dioxide and the rising temperatures...)
Though it doesn't feel like it outside, I'm 85% in the Christmas spirit and so ready to spend time with my family! It'll be absolutely wonderful to have everybody under one roof, even just for a short time. I'm also anticipating getting a new can opener, and since I spent LITERALLY seven minutes trying to get either one of ours to work tonight, Christmas can't get here soon enough.
My first round of laundry is done/our apartment has stopped shaking, so I'm taking this as a sign that tonight's/this morning's post is finished.
your not-so-average student/journalist/photographer/tour guide trying to survive life, including a precious cat/baby.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
A Quick Aside
I know, I know, I said I was going to do that awesome Christmas thing.
But right now, I'm not.
I just stayed up until almost 2 a.m. finishing an essay that was required to be 15 pages long. It was over an interview that took maybe an hour. If I had written down the entire interview, verbatim, it would have been 10 pages, max. But that's not the point.
The point of this blog post is: I love my cat.
Claws is not a normal cat, I think we all know this by now. He lets me pick him up and hold him like a baby, he loves having his belly rubbed, he argues with me, he plays with me, I go bowling with him and he is the funniest little guy to watch play football.
Normally, Clawsy cat naps on the top of the love seat while he waits for one of his humans to get home (and feed him..fatty) or pay attention to him in general. When I go to bed, he usually goes to bed. When I get up, he gets up. When I eat breakfast, he eats breakfast.
Ok, you caught me, that was a joke. I usually eat breakfast while sprinting to work. And it's usually a granola bar, they're easier to eat than poptarts while running, I have found.
Anyway, the moral of the story is that Claws is currently curled up on my legs, waiting for me to be done so we can go to bed. It's so silly how much I love this cat. He's cute and cuddly, but he's also a dang good motivator. I want nothing more right now than to go curl up with my doodle bug and wake up to his wimpy meow in the morning because I hit the snooze button too many times.
I wasn't sure I wanted him here for the first month I lived in this new apartment. It's $30/month to keep him here, and for a college student, that's a lot. There are some days when I think I should have left him in Murray (like when I found out he's been chewing on the cords to the curtains! But hey, I haven't paid $90 for nothin'!)
So, Clawsy cat, you rock. I know you can't read, but you sit on my computer a lot, so maybe you'll figure this out anyway.

and sometimes, he even helps with laundry
But right now, I'm not.
I just stayed up until almost 2 a.m. finishing an essay that was required to be 15 pages long. It was over an interview that took maybe an hour. If I had written down the entire interview, verbatim, it would have been 10 pages, max. But that's not the point.
The point of this blog post is: I love my cat.
Claws is not a normal cat, I think we all know this by now. He lets me pick him up and hold him like a baby, he loves having his belly rubbed, he argues with me, he plays with me, I go bowling with him and he is the funniest little guy to watch play football.
Normally, Clawsy cat naps on the top of the love seat while he waits for one of his humans to get home (and feed him..fatty) or pay attention to him in general. When I go to bed, he usually goes to bed. When I get up, he gets up. When I eat breakfast, he eats breakfast.
Ok, you caught me, that was a joke. I usually eat breakfast while sprinting to work. And it's usually a granola bar, they're easier to eat than poptarts while running, I have found.
Anyway, the moral of the story is that Claws is currently curled up on my legs, waiting for me to be done so we can go to bed. It's so silly how much I love this cat. He's cute and cuddly, but he's also a dang good motivator. I want nothing more right now than to go curl up with my doodle bug and wake up to his wimpy meow in the morning because I hit the snooze button too many times.
I wasn't sure I wanted him here for the first month I lived in this new apartment. It's $30/month to keep him here, and for a college student, that's a lot. There are some days when I think I should have left him in Murray (like when I found out he's been chewing on the cords to the curtains! But hey, I haven't paid $90 for nothin'!)
So, Clawsy cat, you rock. I know you can't read, but you sit on my computer a lot, so maybe you'll figure this out anyway.

Monday, December 5, 2011
The Twelve Days of Christmas [part one]
In honor of the Christmas season (and procrastination) I searched for a "12 Days of Christmas" blog challenge type thing, and Google failed me miserably. I came across something from a blog from last year, so I guess I'll take part in that. A YEAR LATER, no big deal.
1.) Traditions
2.) Shopping Tricks/Thoughts on Black Friday
3.) Memorable Gifts/Moments
4.) Tips/Tricks on Staying within budget
5.) Favorite Christmas Movie/TV Show
6.) Gift Ideas (for me?)
7.) Christmas Craft
8.) Least favorite thing about Christmas
9.) Favorite Christmas recipe
10.) Favorite Christmas Songs/Carols
11.) New Year's Resolutions
12.) Show off your Christmas Decor!
13.) Favorite Christmas Cookie (um, hello? It's the 12 days of Christmas? Why is there a number 13?)
And I also decided that I would analyze the gifts from the actual song, because life is more fun that way.
I figure this will give me something to look forward to other than studying and writing papers because, let's face it, finals week is next week. I, however, will be done by Wednesday and heading to Nashville Thursday night to stay with my lovely Katie who has graciously offered me a bed for the night, free parking, and a ride to and from the airport. Now that's a good friend, right there.
This week will consist of lots of studying, paper-writing, cleaning and praying. I have a test Wednesday, paper due Thursday, paper due Sunday, test Tuesday and a test Wednesday. I think that's it finals-wise, but I have a few online activities and extra credit opportunities to take care of before it's all said and done.
I submitted an application for the WKU Scripps Scholarship today. This is essentially a stipend that allows students to travel for their internships, especially those that aren't paid. If I get this, I'm 90% sure I'll be spending my summer in Nashville! (Even if I don't get the LifeWay opportunity, what newspaper is going to turn down free labor?) I should also be finding out relatively soon what my position will be next semester at the Herald! I'm not sure if I'll get Copy Desk Chief (if I do, please know that I will change the name of this blog to something more Native American-y based solely upon the word "chief." Runswithcats? Playswithcats? CuddlesWithCats? We'll see.)
This weekend, two people my age-ish lost their lives in car accidents. One was my sophomore homecoming date back in high school, and the other was a girl I had never met personally, but was involved with Campus Crusade for Christ. There is a lot of hurt here on campus, and I'm sure Murray as well. Today is also the anniversary of O'Brian Payne's death back in 2007. It seems so odd that, four years and separate college campuses later, my Facebook News Feed is full of his pictures and people remembering him. It seemed as thought everyone knew OB in some way, shape, form or fashion. The dead silence that overtook our school as our principal tearfully announced his death over the PA system is one that I will never forget. He brought so much love and laughter to MHS, and his presence is still missed, but we can all rejoice in his life and in the fact that OB is probably celebrating the anniversary of his entrance to Heaven right now. Please, please pray for these families as they attempt to fill the hole in their hearts, and pray that they do so with the Lord's love and the hope that only He can offer. God is good!
It's cold outside, and raining. I need this combo to become snow, especially because I found houndstooth snow boots at Target...and my rain boots are leaky. I tried some "Shoe Goo" from home, but I think it's older than I am. MY left foot was very sad and wet today. Also a snow day would probably make me get more work done? Yeah, you're right. That was a joke. I'm just ready for Kentucky Christmas!
I'm so close to the end of the semester I can smell it! Or that could be my leaky rain boots...
Oh! Totally forgot to mention that B and I went to the mall after church on Sunday to get out Salvation Army Angel Tree baby =) We got a two-year-old boy, and I'm exploding with ideas! This is what too much babysitting will do to you. I have seen the joy that little guys have for the simplest stuff. I can't wait to make his Christmas super special and share Jesus' love with his family!
1.) Traditions
2.) Shopping Tricks/Thoughts on Black Friday
3.) Memorable Gifts/Moments
4.) Tips/Tricks on Staying within budget
5.) Favorite Christmas Movie/TV Show
6.) Gift Ideas (for me?)
7.) Christmas Craft
8.) Least favorite thing about Christmas
9.) Favorite Christmas recipe
10.) Favorite Christmas Songs/Carols
11.) New Year's Resolutions
12.) Show off your Christmas Decor!
13.) Favorite Christmas Cookie (um, hello? It's the 12 days of Christmas? Why is there a number 13?)
And I also decided that I would analyze the gifts from the actual song, because life is more fun that way.
I figure this will give me something to look forward to other than studying and writing papers because, let's face it, finals week is next week. I, however, will be done by Wednesday and heading to Nashville Thursday night to stay with my lovely Katie who has graciously offered me a bed for the night, free parking, and a ride to and from the airport. Now that's a good friend, right there.
This week will consist of lots of studying, paper-writing, cleaning and praying. I have a test Wednesday, paper due Thursday, paper due Sunday, test Tuesday and a test Wednesday. I think that's it finals-wise, but I have a few online activities and extra credit opportunities to take care of before it's all said and done.
I submitted an application for the WKU Scripps Scholarship today. This is essentially a stipend that allows students to travel for their internships, especially those that aren't paid. If I get this, I'm 90% sure I'll be spending my summer in Nashville! (Even if I don't get the LifeWay opportunity, what newspaper is going to turn down free labor?) I should also be finding out relatively soon what my position will be next semester at the Herald! I'm not sure if I'll get Copy Desk Chief (if I do, please know that I will change the name of this blog to something more Native American-y based solely upon the word "chief." Runswithcats? Playswithcats? CuddlesWithCats? We'll see.)
This weekend, two people my age-ish lost their lives in car accidents. One was my sophomore homecoming date back in high school, and the other was a girl I had never met personally, but was involved with Campus Crusade for Christ. There is a lot of hurt here on campus, and I'm sure Murray as well. Today is also the anniversary of O'Brian Payne's death back in 2007. It seems so odd that, four years and separate college campuses later, my Facebook News Feed is full of his pictures and people remembering him. It seemed as thought everyone knew OB in some way, shape, form or fashion. The dead silence that overtook our school as our principal tearfully announced his death over the PA system is one that I will never forget. He brought so much love and laughter to MHS, and his presence is still missed, but we can all rejoice in his life and in the fact that OB is probably celebrating the anniversary of his entrance to Heaven right now. Please, please pray for these families as they attempt to fill the hole in their hearts, and pray that they do so with the Lord's love and the hope that only He can offer. God is good!
It's cold outside, and raining. I need this combo to become snow, especially because I found houndstooth snow boots at Target...and my rain boots are leaky. I tried some "Shoe Goo" from home, but I think it's older than I am. MY left foot was very sad and wet today. Also a snow day would probably make me get more work done? Yeah, you're right. That was a joke. I'm just ready for Kentucky Christmas!
I'm so close to the end of the semester I can smell it! Or that could be my leaky rain boots...
Oh! Totally forgot to mention that B and I went to the mall after church on Sunday to get out Salvation Army Angel Tree baby =) We got a two-year-old boy, and I'm exploding with ideas! This is what too much babysitting will do to you. I have seen the joy that little guys have for the simplest stuff. I can't wait to make his Christmas super special and share Jesus' love with his family!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Welcome back to reality, everyone! I'm not sure if it's just the constant, drizzly rain or the fact that I loved Thanksgiving break, but I have been less than enthusiastic today. If you start the day at 2:15 a.m., of course. That's when Emily and I finished phase one of Christmasficating The Fiasco! Christmas music was playing the whole time, I got to bust out my decor that I bought for half-off back in January, and Claws just sat on the couch and stared at the shiny balls of light in his new perch. (The tree was still standing when I left for work this morning, but that's been hours ago...)
Thanksgiving was fun, considering it was the first one without my brother (and sister-in-law) or sister (and brother-in-law) around. We went to Tupelo on Wednesday night after Daddy got off work. Since I was the laziest of the day most-rested, I drove the first leg...to Paris, Tenn. 30 minutes down the road. We had to stop for food because I journey through town was so strenuous. Thursday Mom, Dad and I took a lap around the neighborhood since the weather was GORGEOUS, and returned in time for a trip to Big Lots (I got some fall decor for 75 percent off. See a pattern?) and then deep-friends turkey. We visited with Gran, got our fill of the local family gossip (but no sweet tea, sadly), and went back to Mamaw and Papaw's for more food and then a small food coma.
There was not much "Black Friday" shopping to be had, but we did buy a few small things and strike out on many others. We went back to Ky that night and proceeded to bathe both cats (it was traumatic for all of us) because we found fleas on them. Still. I've been battling these guys for DECADES (read: two weeks) and no matter what I do, they prevail. Mom and I vacuumed and cleaned and washed and combed the cats, and I'm pretty sure they both still have fleas.
Saturday was a remotely lazy day. Oh, wait. No it wasn't. I call this section of break "You sneaky mom!" (Reference 3:41 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YQpbzQ6gzs ... it's way cuter that way.)
Daddy cleaned out his workshop...thing while mom and I dug through lights and changed bulbs and blew breakers and had a couple of Clark Griswald moments. When I climbed on the roof, Mom asked me to clean out the corners of the gutters. They were cluttered with leaves and sticks; cool.
"What about the rest of the gutter? Is it clogged, too?"
"There's pretty much dirt and leaves everywhere."
"Can you see how the gutters are covered?"
"It's a screen over the gutter that's screwed in. The only way to clean it out would be with a water hose."
Next thing I know, Mom's handing me the hose and the LEAKY nozzle so I can soak my sweatpants and store two cups of water in my shoes. Oh, and clean out the gutters. While I was spraying water everywhere, Mom also noticed how green the dormers and windows were, so she handed me a bucket of bleach water and a rag.
I was told my payment came in the form of college tuition. I think I will require an extra semester...
Two and half hours after I first climbed the ladder, the lights were on the house and fully functioning.
Yay Christmas!
Boo soggy socks.
After church on Sunday we ate at August Moon, I did some extra credit, packed up my car and headed back to BG in the rain. Also my cat puked in the carrier...again. (We're two for two.) I got back in time to let Claws in the apartment and jet down to the Herald, where I now sit writing this blog post. No worries, I have left since then, just not for long =) I put in my application for next semester with my #1 choice as the "Copy Desk Chief" after talking with this semester's chief last night. Just pray that God puts me where I need to be so that life in general will work out. (I occasionally freak out about the fact that I graduate in a year.)
There's still nothing happening at Student Pubs, and I didn't grab my backpack, so I guess I'll work on some online content for my classes. I'll try to post pictures later so you can see my half-off Christmas Winter Wonderland of an apartment.
That's all for Meow!
Thanksgiving was fun, considering it was the first one without my brother (and sister-in-law) or sister (and brother-in-law) around. We went to Tupelo on Wednesday night after Daddy got off work. Since I was the laziest of the day most-rested, I drove the first leg...to Paris, Tenn. 30 minutes down the road. We had to stop for food because I journey through town was so strenuous. Thursday Mom, Dad and I took a lap around the neighborhood since the weather was GORGEOUS, and returned in time for a trip to Big Lots (I got some fall decor for 75 percent off. See a pattern?) and then deep-friends turkey. We visited with Gran, got our fill of the local family gossip (but no sweet tea, sadly), and went back to Mamaw and Papaw's for more food and then a small food coma.
There was not much "Black Friday" shopping to be had, but we did buy a few small things and strike out on many others. We went back to Ky that night and proceeded to bathe both cats (it was traumatic for all of us) because we found fleas on them. Still. I've been battling these guys for DECADES (read: two weeks) and no matter what I do, they prevail. Mom and I vacuumed and cleaned and washed and combed the cats, and I'm pretty sure they both still have fleas.
Saturday was a remotely lazy day. Oh, wait. No it wasn't. I call this section of break "You sneaky mom!" (Reference 3:41 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YQpbzQ6gzs ... it's way cuter that way.)
Daddy cleaned out his workshop...thing while mom and I dug through lights and changed bulbs and blew breakers and had a couple of Clark Griswald moments. When I climbed on the roof, Mom asked me to clean out the corners of the gutters. They were cluttered with leaves and sticks; cool.
"What about the rest of the gutter? Is it clogged, too?"
"There's pretty much dirt and leaves everywhere."
"Can you see how the gutters are covered?"
"It's a screen over the gutter that's screwed in. The only way to clean it out would be with a water hose."
Next thing I know, Mom's handing me the hose and the LEAKY nozzle so I can soak my sweatpants and store two cups of water in my shoes. Oh, and clean out the gutters. While I was spraying water everywhere, Mom also noticed how green the dormers and windows were, so she handed me a bucket of bleach water and a rag.
I was told my payment came in the form of college tuition. I think I will require an extra semester...
Two and half hours after I first climbed the ladder, the lights were on the house and fully functioning.
Yay Christmas!
Boo soggy socks.
After church on Sunday we ate at August Moon, I did some extra credit, packed up my car and headed back to BG in the rain. Also my cat puked in the carrier...again. (We're two for two.) I got back in time to let Claws in the apartment and jet down to the Herald, where I now sit writing this blog post. No worries, I have left since then, just not for long =) I put in my application for next semester with my #1 choice as the "Copy Desk Chief" after talking with this semester's chief last night. Just pray that God puts me where I need to be so that life in general will work out. (I occasionally freak out about the fact that I graduate in a year.)
There's still nothing happening at Student Pubs, and I didn't grab my backpack, so I guess I'll work on some online content for my classes. I'll try to post pictures later so you can see my half-off Christmas Winter Wonderland of an apartment.
That's all for Meow!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Photo-style update

I was working on filling out an internship application for LIfeWay in Nashville, and they ask for the link to your social media outlets, so after I googled my own blog to remember my username, I decided it might be worthwhile to update it. I also told my lovely roommate that her blog was full of grammar fails, and she responded with "AT LEAST I UPDATE IT" and so then I shut my grammar judging mouth.
Top to bottom, front to left:
1.) We took family pictures of the Rexroats. They're seriously precious. Yes, I'm biased.
2.) I got old(er.) Give it up for the monster s'more cake Momma made me via Pinterest find!
3.) I went to a wedding and coordinated with Anna because we had a date night and bought those dresses together from Plato's because we're poor.
4.) I locked Emily in the bathroom via stack of STUFF. She tried to eat my shark. THAT SHARK IS PRICELESS, EMILY.
5.) I went to Fall Retreat and fell asleep in the grass and was sick for...until now. Thanks, Kentucky.
6.) I made this wreath via Pinspiration. It was assembled with toothpicks so I can re-use that dumb $6 foam ring.
7.) Halloween: Brian was "Animal Control" and I was a cat. Who would have guessed? (We're on the far right.)
8.) We painted pumpkins at HFC Fall Retreat! Mine's the Minion and B's is the...Shrek-looking-thing.
9.) We shot a wedding in Hopkinsville with the theme of UK Blue. I did very well not to pUKe in my mouth.
10.) I found the most efficient way to charge batteries!
m pm;This week started out with the usual church-food-homework-nap-homework-babysit-Herlald-homework-sleep, except that while I was taking one of my boys to the bathroom, another fell and BUSTED HIS FACE OPEN. He got two stitches on his poor little baby nose. I feel just awful, though I did tell him tonight that he looks like Spiderman. I know there's nothing I could have done; Emily was two feet from him when it happened, it still just sucks to be the one in charge when that happens.
Also, my cat has fleas. No, I'm not sure exactly how many, all I know if that I've personally killed at least 30. (Did you know that fleas make a little popping noise when you kill them? Well, lucky you, now you do.) I've given him a bath and washed everything in this apartment. I also comb him any time I see him scratch. Flea combs are cheaper than Frontline, but WAY more tedious.
Good news, Claws feels netter. I have ho sp,e edocome amd e dodm
t eat a;; dau. nit mpw jes sottomg pm tje leunpatd/ (Interpretation: Good news, Claws feels better. I gave him some off-brand Frontline medicine and I think it made him sickly, because he didn't eat all day. He's now lying on top of my hands which are on the keyboard. Em had to come in and use brunt force to remove him/throw a treat on the opposite side of the room so he'd chase it.)
The wrap-up of junior year is looking to be stressful. We're almost caught up on [bc] work and I have a test in every single class before Tuesday. However, life is good. I have clean sheets (and pillows and stuffed animals) to crawl into, so I think I'll do just that.
To mom: You're welcome.
That's all for meow,
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
It's Tuesday, but it's Monday.
Happy short week, everybody! I had a wonderful long weekend in Nashville with my friend Katie. We went shopping, made pizza, grilled out, went to a free concert in the park and assembled a TV stand. All in all, I'd say it was a wonderful way to celebrate not being able to wear white pants anymore.
I'm still slowly and more slowly getting settled into the new apartment. There's still one "junk box" left, but hopefully professors will still be on break-mode and not assign too much so I can take care of that last pesky box this week.
Brian and I did some family pictures last week...er, two weeks ago? So I hope to have those on the Facebook page relatively soon, but judging by the fact that the pictures from the August 6th wedding aren't finished yet, it may be a while. I'm just excited because I know we got some really good stuff.
The first week of school wasn't too bad, all in all, but it already feels like it's been a month. I guess that's what we get for starting so late in August. And what I get for staying here ALL. SUMMER. LONG.
Since I decided to take my cat home, I've been conspiring ways to get him back and not have to pay out of pocket. I think I found the best way possible—WellU. Brian and I did this program last semester, so I'm pretty familiar with it and quite confident that I WILL succeed. It's basically a way to get you to work out and use the gym facilities, and they reward you with prizes. If you're one of the first to complete the program, you get to pick your prize. My goal is to be first and to reserve a $500 scholarship that I will then put toward my cat's rent. It's really hard to imagine paying $1/day for my cat to breathe Walk2Campus's air, but I really miss the little guy. Seriously. I'm the old cat lady.
Not too much else has happened, other than they painted the outside of our apartment building orange and painted the trim, doors, shutters and whatnot in dark green. I seriously live inside a pumpkin. I hope it's a seasonal thing, but I'm kind of scared to see what the St. Patrick's Day paint will look like. But it is fun to tell people I live in the pumpkin. It's even funnier when they know what I'm referencing.
Oh! Oh! I almost forgot! Since I now work for the campus newspaper, I take an unnatural amount of pride in seeing the articles I edited go through to print. Mostly I'm just a big nerd, but still. Check out the website!
I think that really does sum up current events. I have nothing else to meow about for now.
I'm still slowly and more slowly getting settled into the new apartment. There's still one "junk box" left, but hopefully professors will still be on break-mode and not assign too much so I can take care of that last pesky box this week.
Brian and I did some family pictures last week...er, two weeks ago? So I hope to have those on the Facebook page relatively soon, but judging by the fact that the pictures from the August 6th wedding aren't finished yet, it may be a while. I'm just excited because I know we got some really good stuff.
The first week of school wasn't too bad, all in all, but it already feels like it's been a month. I guess that's what we get for starting so late in August. And what I get for staying here ALL. SUMMER. LONG.
Since I decided to take my cat home, I've been conspiring ways to get him back and not have to pay out of pocket. I think I found the best way possible—WellU. Brian and I did this program last semester, so I'm pretty familiar with it and quite confident that I WILL succeed. It's basically a way to get you to work out and use the gym facilities, and they reward you with prizes. If you're one of the first to complete the program, you get to pick your prize. My goal is to be first and to reserve a $500 scholarship that I will then put toward my cat's rent. It's really hard to imagine paying $1/day for my cat to breathe Walk2Campus's air, but I really miss the little guy. Seriously. I'm the old cat lady.
Not too much else has happened, other than they painted the outside of our apartment building orange and painted the trim, doors, shutters and whatnot in dark green. I seriously live inside a pumpkin. I hope it's a seasonal thing, but I'm kind of scared to see what the St. Patrick's Day paint will look like. But it is fun to tell people I live in the pumpkin. It's even funnier when they know what I'm referencing.
Oh! Oh! I almost forgot! Since I now work for the campus newspaper, I take an unnatural amount of pride in seeing the articles I edited go through to print. Mostly I'm just a big nerd, but still. Check out the website!
I think that really does sum up current events. I have nothing else to meow about for now.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Oh, hey blog. I thought I would update you since I am clearly the reject of my family now, and mostly because of the incessant harassment from my mom..
Since July 1...hmmm....
I went to to Gatlinburg with B's family and managed to throw up cheez-its after too much hot tubbing with Amanda. We also went mining for rocks. And got a Christmas ornament that's a skillet with sausage and eggs in it. Breakfast is the best, after all.
Then we got home and I quit Montana Grille.
Then my brother got married.
Then Brian and I shot a wedding in London! ...Kentucky.
Then I moved apartments and got my cat back.
That is the reader's digest version, dear Blog. Now that I can access WKU's internet from my apartment, I'm sure these posts will be much more frequent and colorful.
I'm still getting settled into my new place, which sucks, because Emily has been settled since Monday. We arranged our kitchen last night, complete with post-its on every door and drawer so we remember where we put everything. I an more consumed with making sure my cat is comfy than putting my deodorant somewhere logical, which makes getting ready for work very difficult, as I found out this morning. The good news? It takes me four minutes to get to the office, and that's avoiding some minor construction.
Hope that's sufficient, mom, because I really want to eat my nutragrain bar now.
Since July 1...hmmm....
I went to to Gatlinburg with B's family and managed to throw up cheez-its after too much hot tubbing with Amanda. We also went mining for rocks. And got a Christmas ornament that's a skillet with sausage and eggs in it. Breakfast is the best, after all.
Then we got home and I quit Montana Grille.
Then my brother got married.
Then Brian and I shot a wedding in London! ...Kentucky.
Then I moved apartments and got my cat back.
That is the reader's digest version, dear Blog. Now that I can access WKU's internet from my apartment, I'm sure these posts will be much more frequent and colorful.
I'm still getting settled into my new place, which sucks, because Emily has been settled since Monday. We arranged our kitchen last night, complete with post-its on every door and drawer so we remember where we put everything. I an more consumed with making sure my cat is comfy than putting my deodorant somewhere logical, which makes getting ready for work very difficult, as I found out this morning. The good news? It takes me four minutes to get to the office, and that's avoiding some minor construction.
Hope that's sufficient, mom, because I really want to eat my nutragrain bar now.
Friday, July 1, 2011
You may or may not be able to relate.
My best friend Megan just sent me this link. It sums up my college experience.
My best friend Megan just sent me this link. It sums up my college experience.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Can you handle it?
The free internet from Bowling Green popped back up yesterday, so I should be able to update my blog on a more regular basis!
B and I got home from our trip to Claire's on Sunday night around 11. Really, we got back around 6:45, but we stopped to pick up Claws from the Rexroats house, and that took longer than expected. We played with the puppy, played baseball, caught lightning bugs and rolled down the hill. Really, I think we were just glad to be out of the car. It was a exciting weekend! We found a kitten on Wednesday, I went to the gym with Claire, B played golf and photoshopped, Claire and I regular shopped, and I unofficially broke my toe on the bathroom door. I also bought a pair of these. Solid $10 investment. They're very comforting on a broken pinky toe.
Anyway, the trip was fun. I think that counts as Brian and my first road trip together, and it was a long one. We'll be driving to Gatlinburg on the 9th, so that will feel super short compared to Fuquay-Varina! Pictures from our weekend at the Morrow B&B can be found here =)
My sports marketing class has ended, I was two points away from an A. C'est la vie.
I'm halfway through with my geography class, and I'll probably kill some of the quizzes this week since I have internet and Wednesday night off! I'm not sure what else is going on that's exciting. I survived babysitting those four kids, and she has since asked me to come back once they get home for vacation. I also got to watch 9-month-old Brody, who gets upset and can be calmed by going swimming. best. babysitting job. EVER.
After a long weekend of spending money like it was my job, I returned home to turn on one air conditioner, buy a "cats rule" sign at tj maxx, and a filter for the turtle aquarium. Little ole Bowling Green doesn't compare to Fuquay/Varina/Cary/Holly Springs/Lillington/where ever else we went with Claire.
I'm picking up extra hours at the office to make up for it, though. Also I want to buy an iPad. And a new lens for our August and October weddings. I have such pricey hobbies.
I think that's about it for now. I'll soon be changing my picture to the one of me and North Face's "Cat's Meow" sleeping bag. If I ever go camping, that's the bag for me. Or, ya know....the one I already own that's not $200.
Either way, that's all for meow.
B and I got home from our trip to Claire's on Sunday night around 11. Really, we got back around 6:45, but we stopped to pick up Claws from the Rexroats house, and that took longer than expected. We played with the puppy, played baseball, caught lightning bugs and rolled down the hill. Really, I think we were just glad to be out of the car. It was a exciting weekend! We found a kitten on Wednesday, I went to the gym with Claire, B played golf and photoshopped, Claire and I regular shopped, and I unofficially broke my toe on the bathroom door. I also bought a pair of these. Solid $10 investment. They're very comforting on a broken pinky toe.
Anyway, the trip was fun. I think that counts as Brian and my first road trip together, and it was a long one. We'll be driving to Gatlinburg on the 9th, so that will feel super short compared to Fuquay-Varina! Pictures from our weekend at the Morrow B&B can be found here =)
My sports marketing class has ended, I was two points away from an A. C'est la vie.
I'm halfway through with my geography class, and I'll probably kill some of the quizzes this week since I have internet and Wednesday night off! I'm not sure what else is going on that's exciting. I survived babysitting those four kids, and she has since asked me to come back once they get home for vacation. I also got to watch 9-month-old Brody, who gets upset and can be calmed by going swimming. best. babysitting job. EVER.
After a long weekend of spending money like it was my job, I returned home to turn on one air conditioner, buy a "cats rule" sign at tj maxx, and a filter for the turtle aquarium. Little ole Bowling Green doesn't compare to Fuquay/Varina/Cary/Holly Springs/Lillington/where ever else we went with Claire.
I'm picking up extra hours at the office to make up for it, though. Also I want to buy an iPad. And a new lens for our August and October weddings. I have such pricey hobbies.
I think that's about it for now. I'll soon be changing my picture to the one of me and North Face's "Cat's Meow" sleeping bag. If I ever go camping, that's the bag for me. Or, ya know....the one I already own that's not $200.
Either way, that's all for meow.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
It's June?
Somebody forgot to inform Mother Nature what June is supposed to feel like, and kindly remind her that this is not August, and I'm a bit too poor to afford cooling my apartment in THIS kind of heat all summer long.
Ok, maybe actually I can, but I'm not gonna like it.
Not that I'm a professional server yet, but in both weeks I've worked at Montana Grille, I've had one night off a week. During the week it's usually slow and I get to come home way before we close. Some nights I make $14, some nights I make $84, it just depends. But I'm getting the hang of things there! Most of the people are really fun, and I enjoy wearing mens long sleeve dress shirts. I might take up cross-dressing as my new hobby.
Just kidding. I don't have time for any new hobbies! I'm 75% done with my marketing class, and my geography class starts Monday. I can work as far ahead in geography as I want, so hopefully the one-week overlap won't kill me.
I think it's safe to say that I'll be glad when my classes are over. Working 7:30-3 is tiring as is, (especially when people think they can apply on a Wednesday and start classes on Monday, realize it's not possible, and then yell at me. Such a pleasant week I'm having.)but add serving from 5-10 on top of that and I am TOAST at the end of the night. But then I have to study. And usually forgot to eat supper. All the fun summer shorts I bought from Old Navy are all now too big. Which is good, I guess, but also sad because that's what I have to wear to work. Their long shorts are the bomb.
Brian and I kept the Rexroat kids last weekend (May 20-23. Suzy 6, Gavin 3, Katie 2) and have since decided that we're never having children. No big deal.
I spent Memorial Day fishing with Phil Kimbel, and elder from Greenwood Park, cleaning said fish, and then swimming and eating with his son's family. One of Kelly's friends was there and had just gotten back from Africa, and she was with the group that one of our WKU tour guides is on! Crazy stuff.
Quick relationship chart.
David=Phil's son. Kelly=David's wife. Tiffany=Kelly's best friend.
Since our Memorial Day fiasco, I have been asked to babysit Tiffany's kids. Did I mention there are four of them? Ending in almost two-year-old twin boys? I'm really never having children.
Other than that, I'm having my first real life experience paying for groceries and bills. Since I'm still taking class, Momma and Daddy agreed to pay rent, but that's where it ends. Thus the reason I'm trying to avoid the a/c as much as possible. Claws hates me, I'm sure.
Oh, also I got an HTC freestyle. I less than love it. But, it was $20 bucks, and it works. So that's where I'm leaving it.
I think that's all that is new in the Bowling Green area. I'm very much looking forward to the weekend, even after a short week.
Oh, just forgot. We're meeting with a girl today about shooting her wedding next May! Super pumped! And we have a possible October wedding as well.
Ok, maybe actually I can, but I'm not gonna like it.
Not that I'm a professional server yet, but in both weeks I've worked at Montana Grille, I've had one night off a week. During the week it's usually slow and I get to come home way before we close. Some nights I make $14, some nights I make $84, it just depends. But I'm getting the hang of things there! Most of the people are really fun, and I enjoy wearing mens long sleeve dress shirts. I might take up cross-dressing as my new hobby.
Just kidding. I don't have time for any new hobbies! I'm 75% done with my marketing class, and my geography class starts Monday. I can work as far ahead in geography as I want, so hopefully the one-week overlap won't kill me.
I think it's safe to say that I'll be glad when my classes are over. Working 7:30-3 is tiring as is, (especially when people think they can apply on a Wednesday and start classes on Monday, realize it's not possible, and then yell at me. Such a pleasant week I'm having.)but add serving from 5-10 on top of that and I am TOAST at the end of the night. But then I have to study. And usually forgot to eat supper. All the fun summer shorts I bought from Old Navy are all now too big. Which is good, I guess, but also sad because that's what I have to wear to work. Their long shorts are the bomb.
Brian and I kept the Rexroat kids last weekend (May 20-23. Suzy 6, Gavin 3, Katie 2) and have since decided that we're never having children. No big deal.
I spent Memorial Day fishing with Phil Kimbel, and elder from Greenwood Park, cleaning said fish, and then swimming and eating with his son's family. One of Kelly's friends was there and had just gotten back from Africa, and she was with the group that one of our WKU tour guides is on! Crazy stuff.
Quick relationship chart.
David=Phil's son. Kelly=David's wife. Tiffany=Kelly's best friend.
Since our Memorial Day fiasco, I have been asked to babysit Tiffany's kids. Did I mention there are four of them? Ending in almost two-year-old twin boys? I'm really never having children.
Other than that, I'm having my first real life experience paying for groceries and bills. Since I'm still taking class, Momma and Daddy agreed to pay rent, but that's where it ends. Thus the reason I'm trying to avoid the a/c as much as possible. Claws hates me, I'm sure.
Oh, also I got an HTC freestyle. I less than love it. But, it was $20 bucks, and it works. So that's where I'm leaving it.
I think that's all that is new in the Bowling Green area. I'm very much looking forward to the weekend, even after a short week.
Oh, just forgot. We're meeting with a girl today about shooting her wedding next May! Super pumped! And we have a possible October wedding as well.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Cats vs. Babies
Cats are better than babies because:
you don't have to clean up their poop on a daily basis.
[ie, changing diaper vs. changing litter box]
Babies are better than cats because:
their claws aren't as sharp.
[ie, scratches all over my chest from Claws running laps around the bed]
you don't have to clean up their poop on a daily basis.
[ie, changing diaper vs. changing litter box]
Babies are better than cats because:
their claws aren't as sharp.
[ie, scratches all over my chest from Claws running laps around the bed]
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Nascar Style
I forgot my MacBook charger, so this is going to be one heck of a quick update.
That's possibly my new favorite thing.
I put together a pretty fun multimedia piece this week. Some of the audio was crap, and the owner kicked me out of the shop, so I think I'm gonna add it to my list of "things to shoot this summer."
I'm about to sign the lease on my next (way pricier) apartment for this fall.
I'm currently filling out my application for The Herald. I don't plan on doing any writing, just editing, because my schedule next semester will be photo-heavy.
Brian and I are working 13 hours this Saturday. PAY DAY! I love making $10 an hour.
I keep wearing the same jeans every Tuesday/Thursday. I really need to either do laundry or shave my legs. Both of these options are equally time consuming.
This week is Greek week, so I've been bonding with all the Fiji's. It's been glorious.
I put together a Facebook page for [bc]photography. You should find us and like us. And remember, the brackets make the difference.
Claws butt dialed Katie DeCillo last night. I kid you not. He sat on my phone, called her AND put her on speaker phone. I really do think he's taking over my life. Especially judging by the way he pounces on me until I get out of bed to feed him. Fatty. But he is a very cuddle baby.
Also, do I really want to pay $30 a month for him? Ahhhhh. I need another job. The Herald? Ok. I can't not have my kitten. He's my best friend and favorite cuddle buddy. I don't understand why they need $360 for my cat. The goal of adopting him was to keep him out of a shelter and give him a new life—not punish me for being a good person with a heart for animals. Whatever, I don't have enough battery to rant =)
I'm sure there are pictures somewhere of something I've done...
or not.
Also, Brian and I have been together a year and a half today?
Double also, I've been in college that long? Please just let me graduate.
That's possibly my new favorite thing.
I put together a pretty fun multimedia piece this week. Some of the audio was crap, and the owner kicked me out of the shop, so I think I'm gonna add it to my list of "things to shoot this summer."
I'm about to sign the lease on my next (way pricier) apartment for this fall.
I'm currently filling out my application for The Herald. I don't plan on doing any writing, just editing, because my schedule next semester will be photo-heavy.
Brian and I are working 13 hours this Saturday. PAY DAY! I love making $10 an hour.
I keep wearing the same jeans every Tuesday/Thursday. I really need to either do laundry or shave my legs. Both of these options are equally time consuming.
This week is Greek week, so I've been bonding with all the Fiji's. It's been glorious.
I put together a Facebook page for [bc]photography. You should find us and like us. And remember, the brackets make the difference.
Claws butt dialed Katie DeCillo last night. I kid you not. He sat on my phone, called her AND put her on speaker phone. I really do think he's taking over my life. Especially judging by the way he pounces on me until I get out of bed to feed him. Fatty. But he is a very cuddle baby.
Also, do I really want to pay $30 a month for him? Ahhhhh. I need another job. The Herald? Ok. I can't not have my kitten. He's my best friend and favorite cuddle buddy. I don't understand why they need $360 for my cat. The goal of adopting him was to keep him out of a shelter and give him a new life—not punish me for being a good person with a heart for animals. Whatever, I don't have enough battery to rant =)
I'm sure there are pictures somewhere of something I've done...
or not.
Also, Brian and I have been together a year and a half today?
Double also, I've been in college that long? Please just let me graduate.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Mid-College Crisis: It's a real thing
At least, that's what many of my facebook friends say.
I just feel like I'm being pulled in 8 million directions.
Photo is expected to run my life. I'm sorry, I have 2 jobs and 5 other classes to work around—not to mention my subject's schedule. I'm actually dropping a class because I'm shooting 80% of the time the class is in session.
Except I can't drop the class due to a hold on my account because I got a parking ticket WHEN I STILL HAD TIME ON MY METER. I've spoken repeatedly with a woman at Parking and Transportation Services, and she said she would look into it and let me know, but I've called her repeatedly to no avail yet.
Kinda like the lady who backed into me 2 weeks ago. But she FINALLY answered her phone today. As it turns out, she's been in the hospital with pneumonia since the day after she hit me. Now I feel bad for calling her just about every day for 2 weeks. I'm so cool. I drove out to her house today (it had a "BEWARE OF DOG SIGN." Trying to show my dominance, I stepped out of the car and said hello and took a step toward him with my hand out, it cowered and ran away. I'm more scared of the average house mouse.)
Emily Yates and I have decided to be roommates ASAP. I had found a really nice apartment within walking distance of campus and asked my realtor about moving out early. She spoke with/emailed my landlord (whoever he may be) and we had a few conversations ending with "I've emailed him again and will let you know the second I know something new." That apartment is gone, and when my realtor took my rent money this morning, she didn't say anything. Awesome. PS, my bathroom walls are rotting. You're getting that call tomorrow, jerk.
Anyway, so Emily and I got hooked on walk2campus.com and toured the apartments on Tuesday. They are much more expensive than mine, but the fact that I won't have to buy a parking permit or walk to class, work or Brian's house, EVER might make up for that when gas is 3.79. Like it is right now. At least I bought a bike lock. Our apartment of choice is currently gutted and looks like poop, so there are no pictures. But it has a large kitchen and living room area, a dining room and a study. Also, we'll have our own laundry. That's what's up. (Sorry, but I'll be visiting less now, Clark and Momma.) We want to move in as soon as it's finished, but we don't know when that will be, so we just put down August 1. That cuts off a month of driving to work, at least. We're going to look at stuff at Big Lots tomorrow on our Grey's Anatomy date night. SO pumped.
I'm trying to plan my schedule for next semester, and since I'm on track hours-wise to graduate early, I have to think WAY ahead. Apparently the capstone class is only offered in the spring, which means I'll have to double up on photo classes, which is essentially a death wish. If I don't have time to shoot a picture story a week (which even the professor admits is unrealistic) what makes me think I'll have time for Web Narratives AND Practicum? I don't even know what those classes require. I hate hoe they expect photojournalism classes to be your number one priority. When it's my actual job, yes, it will be higher up on the list. But for now, there are a few more things above photo—one of them is school.
I know that wasn't 8 million, but if all I do is complain, you'll stop reading. Things get more exciting starting...NOW
Exciting things:
Our bus driver for the tours is on spring break, so all tours are walking tours. I LOVE doing them, because you really get to show campus off. However, Monday's tour got caught in the midst of a tornado warning. Awesome. We were stuck in the gym locker rooms for 45 minutes. They were real troopers, though, and we ran through the rain so they could eat. At least it was smashed potato day!
I've rearranged my apartment...again. I'm going to fall in love with it just in time to move out, probably. But I've been watching too much Nate Berkus, I think.
I spent Saturday and Sunday with Allie in Athens. Sunday was Friends and Family Day at Second Street, and it was really awesome to see everybody again. (Mom and Dad, everybody says hello. Especially Bobby and Mary Jesse.) The Swanger crew even made it down, minus David, so we played catch up for a while.
Those are all of the exciting things I can think of for now. Except that I just realized I missed "Off the Map."
Oh, part of the rearrangement included putting my coffee table against the wall because it just collects crap. Claws loves the extra space to play. He's been eating more, so I guess he's playing more? ...fatty.
There are approximately 5.5 weeks of school left. Somehow, I will survive this. It may not be pretty, but it will be done.
Also, just for the record, I liked the Grey's Anatomy musical last week. So take that, critics.
I just feel like I'm being pulled in 8 million directions.
Photo is expected to run my life. I'm sorry, I have 2 jobs and 5 other classes to work around—not to mention my subject's schedule. I'm actually dropping a class because I'm shooting 80% of the time the class is in session.
Except I can't drop the class due to a hold on my account because I got a parking ticket WHEN I STILL HAD TIME ON MY METER. I've spoken repeatedly with a woman at Parking and Transportation Services, and she said she would look into it and let me know, but I've called her repeatedly to no avail yet.
Kinda like the lady who backed into me 2 weeks ago. But she FINALLY answered her phone today. As it turns out, she's been in the hospital with pneumonia since the day after she hit me. Now I feel bad for calling her just about every day for 2 weeks. I'm so cool. I drove out to her house today (it had a "BEWARE OF DOG SIGN." Trying to show my dominance, I stepped out of the car and said hello and took a step toward him with my hand out, it cowered and ran away. I'm more scared of the average house mouse.)
Emily Yates and I have decided to be roommates ASAP. I had found a really nice apartment within walking distance of campus and asked my realtor about moving out early. She spoke with/emailed my landlord (whoever he may be) and we had a few conversations ending with "I've emailed him again and will let you know the second I know something new." That apartment is gone, and when my realtor took my rent money this morning, she didn't say anything. Awesome. PS, my bathroom walls are rotting. You're getting that call tomorrow, jerk.
Anyway, so Emily and I got hooked on walk2campus.com and toured the apartments on Tuesday. They are much more expensive than mine, but the fact that I won't have to buy a parking permit or walk to class, work or Brian's house, EVER might make up for that when gas is 3.79. Like it is right now. At least I bought a bike lock. Our apartment of choice is currently gutted and looks like poop, so there are no pictures. But it has a large kitchen and living room area, a dining room and a study. Also, we'll have our own laundry. That's what's up. (Sorry, but I'll be visiting less now, Clark and Momma.) We want to move in as soon as it's finished, but we don't know when that will be, so we just put down August 1. That cuts off a month of driving to work, at least. We're going to look at stuff at Big Lots tomorrow on our Grey's Anatomy date night. SO pumped.
I'm trying to plan my schedule for next semester, and since I'm on track hours-wise to graduate early, I have to think WAY ahead. Apparently the capstone class is only offered in the spring, which means I'll have to double up on photo classes, which is essentially a death wish. If I don't have time to shoot a picture story a week (which even the professor admits is unrealistic) what makes me think I'll have time for Web Narratives AND Practicum? I don't even know what those classes require. I hate hoe they expect photojournalism classes to be your number one priority. When it's my actual job, yes, it will be higher up on the list. But for now, there are a few more things above photo—one of them is school.
I know that wasn't 8 million, but if all I do is complain, you'll stop reading. Things get more exciting starting...NOW
Exciting things:
Our bus driver for the tours is on spring break, so all tours are walking tours. I LOVE doing them, because you really get to show campus off. However, Monday's tour got caught in the midst of a tornado warning. Awesome. We were stuck in the gym locker rooms for 45 minutes. They were real troopers, though, and we ran through the rain so they could eat. At least it was smashed potato day!
I've rearranged my apartment...again. I'm going to fall in love with it just in time to move out, probably. But I've been watching too much Nate Berkus, I think.
I spent Saturday and Sunday with Allie in Athens. Sunday was Friends and Family Day at Second Street, and it was really awesome to see everybody again. (Mom and Dad, everybody says hello. Especially Bobby and Mary Jesse.) The Swanger crew even made it down, minus David, so we played catch up for a while.
Those are all of the exciting things I can think of for now. Except that I just realized I missed "Off the Map."
Oh, part of the rearrangement included putting my coffee table against the wall because it just collects crap. Claws loves the extra space to play. He's been eating more, so I guess he's playing more? ...fatty.
There are approximately 5.5 weeks of school left. Somehow, I will survive this. It may not be pretty, but it will be done.
Also, just for the record, I liked the Grey's Anatomy musical last week. So take that, critics.
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Cat Lady
Friday was Claws' birthday.

We had a party.

I am officially the cat lady.
Exciting things from last week:
I got the estimate on the damage on my car: 1,134. However, Pat Simmons has yet to answer the phone or call me back. Time for a police report?
I found a b-e-a-u-tiful apartment that's within walking distance from campus. I'm attempting to bail on my current place and get in this one. It has a blue kitchen, a red bathroom, a giant living room and hardwood floors.
Brian and I went to Louisville for the Southeast Christian (6 Flags over Jesus) Easter Pageant. It was a musical. There was a camel. And people descending from the ceiling. And a rotating floor. Needless to say, it was a bit overwhelming for this small-town Church of Christ girl, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. If you have an attendance of 16,000, at least you can do a lot of good work and put those resources to good use (ie, someone probably owns a camel?)
Went out to the Rexroat's to get Claws tonight, and of course, stayed more than the 15 minutes it takes to actually pick a cat up and put him in a car. But that's ok =)
There's more, but let's not kid ourselves, it's 14 minutes past my bed time.

We had a party.

I am officially the cat lady.
Exciting things from last week:
I got the estimate on the damage on my car: 1,134. However, Pat Simmons has yet to answer the phone or call me back. Time for a police report?
I found a b-e-a-u-tiful apartment that's within walking distance from campus. I'm attempting to bail on my current place and get in this one. It has a blue kitchen, a red bathroom, a giant living room and hardwood floors.
Brian and I went to Louisville for the Southeast Christian (6 Flags over Jesus) Easter Pageant. It was a musical. There was a camel. And people descending from the ceiling. And a rotating floor. Needless to say, it was a bit overwhelming for this small-town Church of Christ girl, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. If you have an attendance of 16,000, at least you can do a lot of good work and put those resources to good use (ie, someone probably owns a camel?)
Went out to the Rexroat's to get Claws tonight, and of course, stayed more than the 15 minutes it takes to actually pick a cat up and put him in a car. But that's ok =)
There's more, but let's not kid ourselves, it's 14 minutes past my bed time.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The price of PJ
Monday night, after shooting with my subject at a "memorial," (aka, funeral for a creamated guy)I was told by a nice lady that her mother had backed into my car.
I haven't taken it to the dealer yet, nor have I heard from the lady who hit me. I did, however, over hear her before she left
"I better go ahead and leave, I can't see worth nothin' after dark. Y'all better wait a few minutes before you leave."

She wasn't kidding.
I haven't taken it to the dealer yet, nor have I heard from the lady who hit me. I did, however, over hear her before she left
"I better go ahead and leave, I can't see worth nothin' after dark. Y'all better wait a few minutes before you leave."
She wasn't kidding.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Another week, another adventure.
I realize it's almost midnight, which is about four hours past my bedtime, so this will probably be a quick post, but I promise there will be more later!
Wednesday- work. class. spaghetti/church/cradle roll.
Thursday-class. cleaned. pretended I cared about March Madness.
Friday-work. went to Target to buy Blokus. stayed in Target for 2 hours playing Blokus. got locked out of apartment. broke into apartment (surprisingly easy. actually...I'm not surprised.) got locked IN apartment. figured out who to un-jam a storm door (just put your shoulder into it!) went to the Rexroats.
Saturday- tried to make breakfast smoothies. fail at making smoothies. explore parks in BG. take family portraits downtown and at WKU. go to baseball game. Chick-fil-a. go to Rexroats.
Sunday- paint Suzy's nails. let Suzy paint my toe nails. remove said paint from toenails. church in Cave City with Rexroats. come home and play outside. eat steak. play outside. play Blokus. sort 8,462 items on my desktop. take pictures of kids on mulch pile. find Claws, go home, go to church.
And now I'm at the Fiji house. But I'm about to go home. I'll post some of those pictures tomorrow, I hope.
Facebook sources tell me that two couples have recently been engaged. When is it too soon to ask if they need a wedding photographer? ;)
Along those same lines, I also think we lost the Nasvhille June wedding, so we're down to the one in Virginia. Hopefully something else will pan out, but I register for summer classes tomorrow! Woo!
Wednesday- work. class. spaghetti/church/cradle roll.
Thursday-class. cleaned. pretended I cared about March Madness.
Friday-work. went to Target to buy Blokus. stayed in Target for 2 hours playing Blokus. got locked out of apartment. broke into apartment (surprisingly easy. actually...I'm not surprised.) got locked IN apartment. figured out who to un-jam a storm door (just put your shoulder into it!) went to the Rexroats.
Saturday- tried to make breakfast smoothies. fail at making smoothies. explore parks in BG. take family portraits downtown and at WKU. go to baseball game. Chick-fil-a. go to Rexroats.
Sunday- paint Suzy's nails. let Suzy paint my toe nails. remove said paint from toenails. church in Cave City with Rexroats. come home and play outside. eat steak. play outside. play Blokus. sort 8,462 items on my desktop. take pictures of kids on mulch pile. find Claws, go home, go to church.
And now I'm at the Fiji house. But I'm about to go home. I'll post some of those pictures tomorrow, I hope.
Facebook sources tell me that two couples have recently been engaged. When is it too soon to ask if they need a wedding photographer? ;)
Along those same lines, I also think we lost the Nasvhille June wedding, so we're down to the one in Virginia. Hopefully something else will pan out, but I register for summer classes tomorrow! Woo!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Happy Spring?
So I slacked off quite a bit, but you gotta admit, we all knew the 3-a-week updates would only last so long. Things that have happened since March 5:
March 8, 2011 (I almost typed 2010, yikes!) Running water was restored to The Trust Tree. Around 8:45 that morning I was awakened to the "BEEP-BEEP-BEEP" of large machinery in reverse. That large machine was a backhoe, and it was either putting in a very awkwardly shaped in-ground pool, or digging up my water line. Turns out it was the latter. I went to work at 10:30 (sans shower, bleh. They took away my water hose so they could dig.) and when I got back, there was STILL no water. It was ok, though. I just ate a hot pocket and went on my way. Claws, the ever-vigilant-window-watcher that he is, informed me that they were taking a lunch break and would be back later. I went to Brian's around 5 to work on our online Music Appreciation class and when I got back that night, WATER!!! I let it run for a while, because there was air and some nasties in the line, then I showered. And cleaned my stovetop.
[Note: my water went out on February 8, so this was after exactly— one month since the water initially died; 2 weeks and 2 days after I got the water hose; one phone call from my cop-friend who put in a complaint with the city. Maybe now's the time to tell the landlord that I wasn't kidding when I said the caulking in the shower was crap. Those leaks won't fix themselves...)
March 7-11 was spring break. Brian and I got back to Bowling Green on Monday morning just in time to go to work and bring home the bacon. Ooh, bacon.
We mostly worked in the Office of Admissions and worked on our online class. We had planned to do fun things and visit parks, but it was cold and rainy the first half of the week! So much for SPRING, huh? Things we did do included:
Going to Aldi: it's a really simple, very small, and incredibly cheap grocery store. You have to bring your own bags or boxes to carry your groceries out of your buggy (which requires a quarter to release from 'buggy prison.' You get your quarter back when you lock your cart back up.) which means I need to go to Office Depot to get some more because this place is GREAT! Not that I'll need to go back for a while, my freezer is PACKED, but $2 bacon and a gallon of milk? Heck to the yes. We grilled steak the same night we shopped, I've since made ranch pork chops, and I'm looking for good tilapia or salmon recipe (cough MOMMA cough.)
Friday afternoon, ok night, we left for Alabama to go see Bubba and Amy and Quinn and Zander and Riley. The puppies peed all over the place when Brian and I got to the house, so we cleaned that up and when we were done, Clark came home from work. we chatted for a bit then went to bed.
Saturday, not only was it GORGEOUS outside, but I got to spend time with Allie (and Mason) and Savannah. We went to an Athens Bible School soccer game since Allie had helped coach the team for a bit. A girl on the opposing team played with a broken arm. What a trooper. We tried to go to a consignment shop since Mason has outgrown all but two pairs of shoes, but it was closed, so we went to Zaxby's for lunch. I got the "Betty White sandwich," the chicken parmigiana wannabe thing, and it was really good. Incredibly greasy, but good. I dropped them off and headed back to Clark's for some quality photo time. (side note: I drive like a grandma with a baby in my car.)
We went to a small town in Alabama whose name I still do not know, but we took pictures on a caboose, on top of a caboose, inside a condemned building, at the old train station and on an old wagon. We got some nice golden hour light, used our strobes, and a stray beagle peed on our lighting bags right before the black lab got attacked by the fluffly cat and almost got blood all over Brian. It was indeed eventful. We went for Mexican downtown afterward and it was AWESOME. For the first time in my mexican food life, I did NOT order a quesadilla. I got some burrito dularjo thing. But it was good, too.
Sunday was church, helping Cindy and Allie with the 2 and 3 year old class, jambalaya, Blokus, and more pictures! This time we included Quinn and Zan-man for a bit, then ditched them and headed to another small town with railroad tracks. Clark really, REALLY wanted pictures with a train, and boy did he get his wish.
We anticipated the train wouldn't be moving very fast. We were wrong. Part of me thinks we shouldn't have been standing so close, and the rest of me knows that the conductor thought so, too. But I some some really great pictures. I WILL post those...maybe tomorrow?
Anyway, we got back Sunday night, went to bed, woke up and went to work. Brian sent me a text asking me to give the second tour, which I did....in the rain. I can no longer say I haven't given a tour in the rain. At least the group was great—they didn't complain any more than I did =)
Today I had class. And then more class. And then another, and that's where I still am right now. Chihuahua has the highest homicide rate in Mexico.
You've now learned as much as I have from this class.
pictures later, promise!
aaaaand here they are!
This is Brian hopping off the top of the caboose where he was shooting C&A

This is the building that was probably about to fall over

This is Clark holding a buttercup for Amy (sometimes I am so proud of what my brain thinks of for pictures. I love it!)

On the wagon outside the train station

And the field across the street from Bubba's house

Anticipating the arrival of the train

And yet they survived the passing train anyway

Sunset that night (we just pulled over in some random field to take pictures)

After the color was gone from the sky, I played around with some of these

AND! I'm finally finding ways to get back at Clark after roughly 13 years of torture
March 8, 2011 (I almost typed 2010, yikes!) Running water was restored to The Trust Tree. Around 8:45 that morning I was awakened to the "BEEP-BEEP-BEEP" of large machinery in reverse. That large machine was a backhoe, and it was either putting in a very awkwardly shaped in-ground pool, or digging up my water line. Turns out it was the latter. I went to work at 10:30 (sans shower, bleh. They took away my water hose so they could dig.) and when I got back, there was STILL no water. It was ok, though. I just ate a hot pocket and went on my way. Claws, the ever-vigilant-window-watcher that he is, informed me that they were taking a lunch break and would be back later. I went to Brian's around 5 to work on our online Music Appreciation class and when I got back that night, WATER!!! I let it run for a while, because there was air and some nasties in the line, then I showered. And cleaned my stovetop.
[Note: my water went out on February 8, so this was after exactly— one month since the water initially died; 2 weeks and 2 days after I got the water hose; one phone call from my cop-friend who put in a complaint with the city. Maybe now's the time to tell the landlord that I wasn't kidding when I said the caulking in the shower was crap. Those leaks won't fix themselves...)
March 7-11 was spring break. Brian and I got back to Bowling Green on Monday morning just in time to go to work and bring home the bacon. Ooh, bacon.
We mostly worked in the Office of Admissions and worked on our online class. We had planned to do fun things and visit parks, but it was cold and rainy the first half of the week! So much for SPRING, huh? Things we did do included:
Going to Aldi: it's a really simple, very small, and incredibly cheap grocery store. You have to bring your own bags or boxes to carry your groceries out of your buggy (which requires a quarter to release from 'buggy prison.' You get your quarter back when you lock your cart back up.) which means I need to go to Office Depot to get some more because this place is GREAT! Not that I'll need to go back for a while, my freezer is PACKED, but $2 bacon and a gallon of milk? Heck to the yes. We grilled steak the same night we shopped, I've since made ranch pork chops, and I'm looking for good tilapia or salmon recipe (cough MOMMA cough.)
Friday afternoon, ok night, we left for Alabama to go see Bubba and Amy and Quinn and Zander and Riley. The puppies peed all over the place when Brian and I got to the house, so we cleaned that up and when we were done, Clark came home from work. we chatted for a bit then went to bed.
Saturday, not only was it GORGEOUS outside, but I got to spend time with Allie (and Mason) and Savannah. We went to an Athens Bible School soccer game since Allie had helped coach the team for a bit. A girl on the opposing team played with a broken arm. What a trooper. We tried to go to a consignment shop since Mason has outgrown all but two pairs of shoes, but it was closed, so we went to Zaxby's for lunch. I got the "Betty White sandwich," the chicken parmigiana wannabe thing, and it was really good. Incredibly greasy, but good. I dropped them off and headed back to Clark's for some quality photo time. (side note: I drive like a grandma with a baby in my car.)
We went to a small town in Alabama whose name I still do not know, but we took pictures on a caboose, on top of a caboose, inside a condemned building, at the old train station and on an old wagon. We got some nice golden hour light, used our strobes, and a stray beagle peed on our lighting bags right before the black lab got attacked by the fluffly cat and almost got blood all over Brian. It was indeed eventful. We went for Mexican downtown afterward and it was AWESOME. For the first time in my mexican food life, I did NOT order a quesadilla. I got some burrito dularjo thing. But it was good, too.
Sunday was church, helping Cindy and Allie with the 2 and 3 year old class, jambalaya, Blokus, and more pictures! This time we included Quinn and Zan-man for a bit, then ditched them and headed to another small town with railroad tracks. Clark really, REALLY wanted pictures with a train, and boy did he get his wish.
We anticipated the train wouldn't be moving very fast. We were wrong. Part of me thinks we shouldn't have been standing so close, and the rest of me knows that the conductor thought so, too. But I some some really great pictures. I WILL post those...maybe tomorrow?
Anyway, we got back Sunday night, went to bed, woke up and went to work. Brian sent me a text asking me to give the second tour, which I did....in the rain. I can no longer say I haven't given a tour in the rain. At least the group was great—they didn't complain any more than I did =)
Today I had class. And then more class. And then another, and that's where I still am right now. Chihuahua has the highest homicide rate in Mexico.
You've now learned as much as I have from this class.
pictures later, promise!
aaaaand here they are!
This is Brian hopping off the top of the caboose where he was shooting C&A
This is the building that was probably about to fall over
This is Clark holding a buttercup for Amy (sometimes I am so proud of what my brain thinks of for pictures. I love it!)
On the wagon outside the train station
And the field across the street from Bubba's house
Anticipating the arrival of the train
And yet they survived the passing train anyway
Sunset that night (we just pulled over in some random field to take pictures)
After the color was gone from the sky, I played around with some of these
AND! I'm finally finding ways to get back at Clark after roughly 13 years of torture
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Since Brian and I are officially on spring break, or SB11 as the "cool" kids abbreviate it, we decided to take a quick trip up to Louisville to see B's family. His parents were in town a few weeks ago to order the new computer, but since his sister got engaged last weekend, we needed to come see the ring! (And take awesome pictures of it with the macro lens I got from gear checkout at school!)
Sanibel, the Japanese Shiba has grown a LOT since I was here for New Year's. What was then an energetic ball of fluff has since turned into a energetic rocket-dog with long legs that allow her to jump on the couch and lick my camera. (It's ok, I put her in timeout for two whole minutes, see if she messed with ME again!) She's super fast and plays intensely for about 10 minutes before she needs to lie down for a nap, wake up, go outside and pee, grab a snack, and play for 10 minutes, nap, pee, snack, play, nap, etc. It's a dog's life in this place.
Not much exciting happened throughout the week, but there was some stimulation last night when our adoptive dad/cop friend asked for my Realtor's number so he could make sure my human rights were being fulfilled since Tuesday will be a month since my water went out.
Hopefully he lit a fire under her butt and I'll come home to no water hose-hooked-up-to-my-apartment-that-I-"probably-shouldn't-drink."
Claws is being kittysat (kitty-sitted? cat sat?) by the Rexroats. When I dropped him off Friday night, he lay down in the living room floor and let 3-year-old Gavin pet him. Clearly, he loves that place.
I would like everyone (all 3 people that read this) to note the use of lay and lie in this blog. That's because I took a feature writing test on Thursday and our teacher is a lay/lie Nazi. I'm feelin' pretty good about it.
If this was a feature test, I'd pass.
Off to play cards for a bit, and then buy this dress for $15, and call it a day.
(I actually wanted this one but it's about 6 inches too short. Not ok, guys. I thought long dresses were supposed to be good for tall people?)
Anyway, card time. I may post pictures later!
Sanibel, the Japanese Shiba has grown a LOT since I was here for New Year's. What was then an energetic ball of fluff has since turned into a energetic rocket-dog with long legs that allow her to jump on the couch and lick my camera. (It's ok, I put her in timeout for two whole minutes, see if she messed with ME again!) She's super fast and plays intensely for about 10 minutes before she needs to lie down for a nap, wake up, go outside and pee, grab a snack, and play for 10 minutes, nap, pee, snack, play, nap, etc. It's a dog's life in this place.
Not much exciting happened throughout the week, but there was some stimulation last night when our adoptive dad/cop friend asked for my Realtor's number so he could make sure my human rights were being fulfilled since Tuesday will be a month since my water went out.
Hopefully he lit a fire under her butt and I'll come home to no water hose-hooked-up-to-my-apartment-that-I-"probably-shouldn't-drink."
Claws is being kittysat (kitty-sitted? cat sat?) by the Rexroats. When I dropped him off Friday night, he lay down in the living room floor and let 3-year-old Gavin pet him. Clearly, he loves that place.
I would like everyone (all 3 people that read this) to note the use of lay and lie in this blog. That's because I took a feature writing test on Thursday and our teacher is a lay/lie Nazi. I'm feelin' pretty good about it.
If this was a feature test, I'd pass.
Off to play cards for a bit, and then buy this dress for $15, and call it a day.
(I actually wanted this one but it's about 6 inches too short. Not ok, guys. I thought long dresses were supposed to be good for tall people?)
Anyway, card time. I may post pictures later!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I hope this post only takes 34 minutes...
because my computer only has 35 to live.
But let's be serious, there's not that much to talk about.
I didn't find Buddy, (it just jumped up to 38, so I think we're safe) my little point and shoot camera, in Murray over the weekend. I decided to clean out my car, thinking maybe he was lost under a seat or suffocating in my trunk.
No such luck.
The good news—my car is the cleanest it's been since it was purchased in July 2009.
The bad news—I still can't find the camera =( AND my apartment looks like a small disaster zone. There's no where safe to walk, stand, or sit...probably.
Maybe tomorrow I'll look in my closet, but that's the last place I can think of. I looked under my bed when I rearranged, so that's out. The last time I had him was right before Thanksgiving when my roof starting leaking into my closet. I took pictures of that and don't remember using him after that. Sad day.
Tonight's adventures will include food and hiding in the pj lab and hopefully accomplishing some nice product for tomorrow's class. The fire alarms in Mass Media and Technology Hall (I said that in my tour guide voice) were going nuts yesterday, and they actually closed the building, so I couldn't work on it last night. That's ok though because I had to go see a play called "Khamaseen" for my theater appreciation class. It was pretty good, but there were some really immature people sitting behind me that more or less ruined the experience for me. I'm sad to report that the same ator that played Gaston in Beauty in the Beast back in September play a wife-beating-man-whore in this movie. But that's ok, if you're good at being a jerk, stick with it!
(In the crazy happenstance that Joshua Stinson, the student who played these parts, reads this, I am in no way dismissing your acting abilities based on the two characters I've seen you portray. I'm sure you're an upstanding gentleman that just wants to get ahead in your career and will play whatever role you are called to do, and you just happen to do them very well.)
I feel the need to paint something. Katie had a really cool painting she did and it made me want to copy cat it, sort of. Because she's just cool like that.
Oh! An update on the water situation!
There's not one.
Go figure.
PS-no, that's not copied and pasted, no progress has been made as of 9:15 this morning when I left my apartment. And rent is due by the end of the week. Part of me wants to not pay it until I have running water. But the other part of me likes having somewhere to live...
Speaking of Copy and Paste:
my niece, Quinn, and nephew, Zander. They're cuties.
But let's be serious, there's not that much to talk about.
I didn't find Buddy, (it just jumped up to 38, so I think we're safe) my little point and shoot camera, in Murray over the weekend. I decided to clean out my car, thinking maybe he was lost under a seat or suffocating in my trunk.
No such luck.
The good news—my car is the cleanest it's been since it was purchased in July 2009.
The bad news—I still can't find the camera =( AND my apartment looks like a small disaster zone. There's no where safe to walk, stand, or sit...probably.
Maybe tomorrow I'll look in my closet, but that's the last place I can think of. I looked under my bed when I rearranged, so that's out. The last time I had him was right before Thanksgiving when my roof starting leaking into my closet. I took pictures of that and don't remember using him after that. Sad day.
Tonight's adventures will include food and hiding in the pj lab and hopefully accomplishing some nice product for tomorrow's class. The fire alarms in Mass Media and Technology Hall (I said that in my tour guide voice) were going nuts yesterday, and they actually closed the building, so I couldn't work on it last night. That's ok though because I had to go see a play called "Khamaseen" for my theater appreciation class. It was pretty good, but there were some really immature people sitting behind me that more or less ruined the experience for me. I'm sad to report that the same ator that played Gaston in Beauty in the Beast back in September play a wife-beating-man-whore in this movie. But that's ok, if you're good at being a jerk, stick with it!
(In the crazy happenstance that Joshua Stinson, the student who played these parts, reads this, I am in no way dismissing your acting abilities based on the two characters I've seen you portray. I'm sure you're an upstanding gentleman that just wants to get ahead in your career and will play whatever role you are called to do, and you just happen to do them very well.)
I feel the need to paint something. Katie had a really cool painting she did and it made me want to copy cat it, sort of. Because she's just cool like that.
Oh! An update on the water situation!
There's not one.
Go figure.
PS-no, that's not copied and pasted, no progress has been made as of 9:15 this morning when I left my apartment. And rent is due by the end of the week. Part of me wants to not pay it until I have running water. But the other part of me likes having somewhere to live...
Speaking of Copy and Paste:

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Home Sweet Home?

So Claws took the wheel and drove us back to Murray yesterday.
Ok, well, I drove most of it, but he helped. Specifically when going over the bridges in LBL. Wonderful time to crawl up on the wheel, kitten. NOT. But it's ok, we lived.
This homeland adventure was due to the fact that I had almost no tread left on my tires, and before I venture down to Athens to shoot engagement pictures, padre said they needed replacing.
I met mom at Carroll Tire just after four to start the process, and lo and behold, they don't actually have any tires in stock that would fit my car. So the default was Wal*Mart, which was a success. I had to get out of my car, and Claws had to come with me. He hates auto shops.
But he was very popular. I didn't know so many people exited through the auto shop in Wal*Mart. Ah, well, you learn something new every day.
My list of things to do while I'm home includes look for Buddy, my point-and-shoot. He's much easier to take quick pictures with, and I haven't seen him since before Thanksgiving. No bueno. I also need to go see Carmen and Brent's nursery for the twins! Mom sent me a few pictures, but since I also bought a few diapers, I have a delivery to make =)
I also brought home some aqua Ball mason jars for Clark and Amy's wedding, so Momma and I will be playing with making lanterns out of those, probably.
I'm currently watching Holmes on Holmes and...blogging. But I need to get up and shower so I'll be ready for my lunch date with Katie DeCillo. We're going to play with her new speedlights!
Oh! An update on the water situation.
There's not one.
Go figure.
PS Keep checking bcphotosite.com for updates. I change things around a lot, and feedback is always good!
Thursday, February 24, 2011

This means that I should have water soon! They've marked the other lines so they cans tart digging up my "clogged water line." (Note the water hose that is my current supply...)

And that's the radar for my area. We're under a flash flood watch.
Well, at least there will be water OUTside my apartment...
Oh, crud. I have class in 5 minutes. I should probably whoop out my umbrella and start walking.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink
I worked my first "Focus on WKU" day today. I handed out parking passes to probably 200 people.
"Good morning! Are y'all here for focus?
Awesome! We've got a parking pass for you, so you can just slide that in your dash and you'll be good to go. There's open parking in the back, so loop around the right and when you've found the perfect spot, head up to the red light and somebody will direct you to sign in. Alright, enjoy your day!"
And then it started getting windy.
And then it got cold.
And then it decided to rain.
I have a water hose! It runs from the house to my apartment, so I can now wash dishes (done) and flush my toilet (done) and take a shower (still iffy.) However, "it's running through a garden hose, so it's probably not safe to drink it," said Doug the lousy repairman that works for the realty office that owns my apartment.
But that's ok, I have a Brita pitcher.
My new favorite thing:
I watch it repeatedly.
You should, too.
Have a wonderful week,
"Good morning! Are y'all here for focus?
Awesome! We've got a parking pass for you, so you can just slide that in your dash and you'll be good to go. There's open parking in the back, so loop around the right and when you've found the perfect spot, head up to the red light and somebody will direct you to sign in. Alright, enjoy your day!"
And then it started getting windy.
And then it got cold.
And then it decided to rain.
I have a water hose! It runs from the house to my apartment, so I can now wash dishes (done) and flush my toilet (done) and take a shower (still iffy.) However, "it's running through a garden hose, so it's probably not safe to drink it," said Doug the lousy repairman that works for the realty office that owns my apartment.
But that's ok, I have a Brita pitcher.
My new favorite thing:
I watch it repeatedly.
You should, too.
Have a wonderful week,
Saturday, February 19, 2011
On having cable and internet access...
First of all, THIS is my bridesmaid dress for Clark and Amy's wedding!
It has a little key hole type opening in the front which is less than flattering, but that will be sewn shut shortly.
Second of all, I have cable AND internet at the Rexroat's house, and all I could find to watch was The Magic School Bus and Everybody Loves Raymond. When I got online, all I did was look at Facebook for something amusing (not much on a Saturday) and check craigslist to see if anybody had posted any more empty apartments (they haven't.) So now I'm updating my blog. I would be doing something much more amusing, like watching Claws play, but he's worn himself out and is currently...umm...hold on.
He's taking a nap in his basket. Cutie pie.
The day might include switching out a swimsuit I bought at JC Penny a few weeks ago that was a tad too small, but since my spring break plans have been axed, it's no emergency. I'll just be giving tours, and that requires no swimsuit.
What this comes down to is that I have cable and internet and am super bored despite that. I do believe I am better off not paying for those services and cuddling with my cat. Studies show it's therapeutic or whatever, right?
It has a little key hole type opening in the front which is less than flattering, but that will be sewn shut shortly.
Second of all, I have cable AND internet at the Rexroat's house, and all I could find to watch was The Magic School Bus and Everybody Loves Raymond. When I got online, all I did was look at Facebook for something amusing (not much on a Saturday) and check craigslist to see if anybody had posted any more empty apartments (they haven't.) So now I'm updating my blog. I would be doing something much more amusing, like watching Claws play, but he's worn himself out and is currently...umm...hold on.
He's taking a nap in his basket. Cutie pie.
The day might include switching out a swimsuit I bought at JC Penny a few weeks ago that was a tad too small, but since my spring break plans have been axed, it's no emergency. I'll just be giving tours, and that requires no swimsuit.
What this comes down to is that I have cable and internet and am super bored despite that. I do believe I am better off not paying for those services and cuddling with my cat. Studies show it's therapeutic or whatever, right?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Two updates in less than a week. What?!
I'm sorry you can't actually read anything on my blog. I'm trying to figure out how to re-do everything, but it won't work. Blogspot/blogger is upsetting me mucho at the moment, though I did manage to make Claws my background!
It's officially been a week since I "moved out" of my apartment for lack of water. The Rexroats are now in California and I'm sure my cat is lonely. At first he ran away from the kids and hid all day, but as of Monday night he was crawling in Mike's lap and lying in the middle of the floor while the kiddos ran around and played. I'm sure he misses them now, though, in that big ole house with nobody to play with. I did open the curtain for him and leave his toys in the kitchen so he could attack them. I'll try to get a video of him running around the kitchen—cat+hardwood floors=hilarious.
On Tuesday I got a parking ticket for being parked at a meter. I will admit that I have parked many times at meters without paying, but for whatever reason, I did on Tuesday. I got a ticket at 9:20, returned to my car at 9:28, and I still had six minutes left! WHAT GIVES? Needless to say, I appealed it. I'm hoping I was nice enough in the email I sent that included a picture of the meter.
I had my first Marketing test on Tuesday and got an 80 on it. Guess I should actually read through ALL of the chapters next time rather than hitting the highlights.
Speaking of highlights, here they are:
I still have no water. Before it would at least come through enough to fill up the toilet so I could pee at my apartment if I needed to, but that is no more.
I have ants because I can't wash my dishes—I had made breakfast the morning my water went out. It involved pancakes which involved syrup. I gotta buy some poison stuff.
I'm currently drinking coffee and sweet tea and it's 60 degrees outside. Life is a little hectic living in two places at once, but overall, life is good =)
I love my cat. Clearly.

It's officially been a week since I "moved out" of my apartment for lack of water. The Rexroats are now in California and I'm sure my cat is lonely. At first he ran away from the kids and hid all day, but as of Monday night he was crawling in Mike's lap and lying in the middle of the floor while the kiddos ran around and played. I'm sure he misses them now, though, in that big ole house with nobody to play with. I did open the curtain for him and leave his toys in the kitchen so he could attack them. I'll try to get a video of him running around the kitchen—cat+hardwood floors=hilarious.
On Tuesday I got a parking ticket for being parked at a meter. I will admit that I have parked many times at meters without paying, but for whatever reason, I did on Tuesday. I got a ticket at 9:20, returned to my car at 9:28, and I still had six minutes left! WHAT GIVES? Needless to say, I appealed it. I'm hoping I was nice enough in the email I sent that included a picture of the meter.
I had my first Marketing test on Tuesday and got an 80 on it. Guess I should actually read through ALL of the chapters next time rather than hitting the highlights.
Speaking of highlights, here they are:
I still have no water. Before it would at least come through enough to fill up the toilet so I could pee at my apartment if I needed to, but that is no more.
I have ants because I can't wash my dishes—I had made breakfast the morning my water went out. It involved pancakes which involved syrup. I gotta buy some poison stuff.
I'm currently drinking coffee and sweet tea and it's 60 degrees outside. Life is a little hectic living in two places at once, but overall, life is good =)
I love my cat. Clearly.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Six inches of snow and I can't even make a snowman =(
So, my life as of the past week has been quite crazy.
1.) Brian changed his major
2.) Picture Stories is already stressing me out
3.) I keep having to drive in the snow
4.)I have no running water
5.) Claws decided to puke everywhere
6.) Zumba is kicking my butt. And my thighs.
1—The day after we had our first pj class, Brian decided he wasn't going to do it anymore. It stresses him out to find a story and he gets grumpy and decided that he wanted to do something he has a true passion for—helping people. He is now majoring in social studies with an education minor and wants to be a high school teacher. It may add up to an extra year of school for him, but he's on a four year scholarship right now, so adding another shouldn't be too pricey, especially since he's genius and got a good ACT score. There are always more scholarships!
2—I thought I had a story nailed down for Picture Stories (my photo class this semester. it requires a full story once a week, with the exception of two portrait series and the on-going final project. It'll make me be a multi-tasker for sure!) So I held off on shooting waiting for the class I needed to shoot, which was at the hospital and was then informed that I can do no such thing until I consult the marketing department. Boo. So that was a bust. I called roughly 4,000 other local businesses and finally landed on shooting a teacher at a cosmetology school. She was totally open to the idea and was super awesome, but the school was closed for the next three days due to snow. FAIL. So, I talked to me teacher and I'll be using a reshoot on that assignment.
Next week's assignment is "Love," so I'm shooting Wes and Heather Claiborne, and I know where they live so they can't bail on me =)
3— I don't have much tread on my tires. I slip a lot. I'm scared to park on the hill. But I have to go to class and can't ever find level parking spaces. Also, I STILL suck at parallel parking. (I'm practicing a lot though, I promise!)
4—Tuesday morning I woke up early to shoot, so I grabbed a quick five minute shower. I noticed it was colder than normal, but I equated that to my grumpiness and lack of coffee. As I got ready and fed the cat (and tripped over the cat) and went on my merrily little was, I wanted to brush my teeth. This presented a problem-I had no water. Nothing coming out of the faucet in the bathroom. I tried the kitchen; it was a bust. I was even silly enough to try the shower-nothing. So I grumbled and got out my Brita pitcher and brushed my teeth the old school way (think Pilgrim kind of old school.) I called my landlord on the way to my shoot and she said she'd send someone out later that day. She did, and the poor soul called me to ask a few questions, therefore giving me his phone number.
I returned home around seven that night and still had no way, but I did have something new! Muddy footprints EVERYWHERE. Needless to say, I was thrilled. I gathered my shower stuff and called my adoptive family, the Rexroats, who had generously offered me their working shower. I then called my landlord/realtor (I'm still not sure) and got no answer. So I called the repairman and he informed that FIRST thing tomorrow they'd be out to replace the broken valve! Thank goodness!
The next morning there were four guys and three trucks standing around the driveway, all doing the same thing—idling. I made them all move so I could go to work and thanked them for their time.
I returned home after class/the gym (church was cancelled due to snow) and had MORE muddy footprints and STILL no water. I called my landlord/realtor (I really should figure out who I'm dealing with) and again, got no answer. So I called the repairman, who "hated to be the one to tell me this" but that there was a clog in the line and it needed to be replaced. They can't dig until the city comes to mark all underground lines, which would be Monday, and they should hopefully have it fixed by Wednesday at the latest. Glorious.
I called the Rexroats after that; Claws and I are currently residing in Smiths Grove with three sweet children who wake up at the butt crack of dawn. And yell at my precious cat. But that's ok, he just hides under their bed, much to their dismay. Looking back, I take pity on Raja and laugh at how everyone must have looked at me. Because I'm looking at these kids the same way. When the kids go to bed, Claws comes out from hiding in my/Gavin's room and plays and runs around. He's not used to having so much room to play! And I'm not used to being able to lie down in the floor with him =)
5—I don't know why Claws decides to eat the yarn ball. I really don't. But it makes him sick, and every time he barfs, I have to clean the carpet. When I clean the carpet, it gets REALLY clean, and my apartment looks like a giraffe print has been laid on the floor. Also, he eats the rubber bands that hold the yarn ball together. Know how I know?
I found them in the litter box.
6—Zumba is so much fun! There are two different teachers at Preston, and they are very different, but the change of pace is good. I was a little sad I didn't go this morning, but I felt the need to save gas (it's a 40 mile round trip to BG from Smiths Grove.) However, almost-2-year-old Katie has decided I am a human jungle gym, and this is adequate exercise. It usually doesn't get as sweaty, either.
So that's my life as of now. I'm currently sitting in Panera Bread (free wi-fi!) with Brian and his parents. He's filling them in on the next two years and what kind of classes he has to take and yada yada yada. I've had four cups of coffee and have typed this whole thing in about three seconds. I mean minutes. Roughly. And it's not even noon.
I ordered bridemaid's dress #2, a lovely deep red linen dress, and cannot wait for the next 7-10 business days for it to arrive! Amy has decided upon deep gem-like colors for the bridesmaid. The other two have a golden dress and the other girl has a choice between purple and blue. I'm really excited for the next step in A's wedding plans! (I get consulted quite a bit, and I love hearing how excited she gets about every little detail!) I am so ready for June! Carmen's twins will be here and I can officially call Amy my sister! Woot!
I have to go see Romeo and Juliet at the theater tonight for my theater appreciation class. Monday night is Valentine's!! Oh, wait. I don't care. Tuesday night, Dave Barnes is coming to BG, fo FREE! I'm more excited about that than anything.
All in all, life is good =)
Be praying for John and new job possibilities! Things are looking good in NC!
1.) Brian changed his major
2.) Picture Stories is already stressing me out
3.) I keep having to drive in the snow
4.)I have no running water
5.) Claws decided to puke everywhere
6.) Zumba is kicking my butt. And my thighs.
1—The day after we had our first pj class, Brian decided he wasn't going to do it anymore. It stresses him out to find a story and he gets grumpy and decided that he wanted to do something he has a true passion for—helping people. He is now majoring in social studies with an education minor and wants to be a high school teacher. It may add up to an extra year of school for him, but he's on a four year scholarship right now, so adding another shouldn't be too pricey, especially since he's genius and got a good ACT score. There are always more scholarships!
2—I thought I had a story nailed down for Picture Stories (my photo class this semester. it requires a full story once a week, with the exception of two portrait series and the on-going final project. It'll make me be a multi-tasker for sure!) So I held off on shooting waiting for the class I needed to shoot, which was at the hospital and was then informed that I can do no such thing until I consult the marketing department. Boo. So that was a bust. I called roughly 4,000 other local businesses and finally landed on shooting a teacher at a cosmetology school. She was totally open to the idea and was super awesome, but the school was closed for the next three days due to snow. FAIL. So, I talked to me teacher and I'll be using a reshoot on that assignment.
Next week's assignment is "Love," so I'm shooting Wes and Heather Claiborne, and I know where they live so they can't bail on me =)
3— I don't have much tread on my tires. I slip a lot. I'm scared to park on the hill. But I have to go to class and can't ever find level parking spaces. Also, I STILL suck at parallel parking. (I'm practicing a lot though, I promise!)
4—Tuesday morning I woke up early to shoot, so I grabbed a quick five minute shower. I noticed it was colder than normal, but I equated that to my grumpiness and lack of coffee. As I got ready and fed the cat (and tripped over the cat) and went on my merrily little was, I wanted to brush my teeth. This presented a problem-I had no water. Nothing coming out of the faucet in the bathroom. I tried the kitchen; it was a bust. I was even silly enough to try the shower-nothing. So I grumbled and got out my Brita pitcher and brushed my teeth the old school way (think Pilgrim kind of old school.) I called my landlord on the way to my shoot and she said she'd send someone out later that day. She did, and the poor soul called me to ask a few questions, therefore giving me his phone number.
I returned home around seven that night and still had no way, but I did have something new! Muddy footprints EVERYWHERE. Needless to say, I was thrilled. I gathered my shower stuff and called my adoptive family, the Rexroats, who had generously offered me their working shower. I then called my landlord/realtor (I'm still not sure) and got no answer. So I called the repairman and he informed that FIRST thing tomorrow they'd be out to replace the broken valve! Thank goodness!
The next morning there were four guys and three trucks standing around the driveway, all doing the same thing—idling. I made them all move so I could go to work and thanked them for their time.
I returned home after class/the gym (church was cancelled due to snow) and had MORE muddy footprints and STILL no water. I called my landlord/realtor (I really should figure out who I'm dealing with) and again, got no answer. So I called the repairman, who "hated to be the one to tell me this" but that there was a clog in the line and it needed to be replaced. They can't dig until the city comes to mark all underground lines, which would be Monday, and they should hopefully have it fixed by Wednesday at the latest. Glorious.
I called the Rexroats after that; Claws and I are currently residing in Smiths Grove with three sweet children who wake up at the butt crack of dawn. And yell at my precious cat. But that's ok, he just hides under their bed, much to their dismay. Looking back, I take pity on Raja and laugh at how everyone must have looked at me. Because I'm looking at these kids the same way. When the kids go to bed, Claws comes out from hiding in my/Gavin's room and plays and runs around. He's not used to having so much room to play! And I'm not used to being able to lie down in the floor with him =)
5—I don't know why Claws decides to eat the yarn ball. I really don't. But it makes him sick, and every time he barfs, I have to clean the carpet. When I clean the carpet, it gets REALLY clean, and my apartment looks like a giraffe print has been laid on the floor. Also, he eats the rubber bands that hold the yarn ball together. Know how I know?
I found them in the litter box.
6—Zumba is so much fun! There are two different teachers at Preston, and they are very different, but the change of pace is good. I was a little sad I didn't go this morning, but I felt the need to save gas (it's a 40 mile round trip to BG from Smiths Grove.) However, almost-2-year-old Katie has decided I am a human jungle gym, and this is adequate exercise. It usually doesn't get as sweaty, either.
So that's my life as of now. I'm currently sitting in Panera Bread (free wi-fi!) with Brian and his parents. He's filling them in on the next two years and what kind of classes he has to take and yada yada yada. I've had four cups of coffee and have typed this whole thing in about three seconds. I mean minutes. Roughly. And it's not even noon.
I ordered bridemaid's dress #2, a lovely deep red linen dress, and cannot wait for the next 7-10 business days for it to arrive! Amy has decided upon deep gem-like colors for the bridesmaid. The other two have a golden dress and the other girl has a choice between purple and blue. I'm really excited for the next step in A's wedding plans! (I get consulted quite a bit, and I love hearing how excited she gets about every little detail!) I am so ready for June! Carmen's twins will be here and I can officially call Amy my sister! Woot!
I have to go see Romeo and Juliet at the theater tonight for my theater appreciation class. Monday night is Valentine's!! Oh, wait. I don't care. Tuesday night, Dave Barnes is coming to BG, fo FREE! I'm more excited about that than anything.
All in all, life is good =)
Be praying for John and new job possibilities! Things are looking good in NC!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Things I currently cannot find: my camera and my iPod.
It's time to clean out my car. After the 3 inches of fresh snow melts, of course. I will be making snow cream soon, though, and I AM rather excited about that.
I gave Claws a shower today, since I don't have a bath tub, I figured he couldn't actually have a bath...
I basically threw him in the shower with the water on and stood on a chair so I could reach the shower head and move the water to the cat. He was so upset that he jumped up and scratched my arm—while it was at the TOP of the shower. At least now I know he can jump. We then released the cat from the shower, soap in hand, and petted him to death with cat shampoo. He didn't complain too much until we got back in the shower, but he was more calm with my company. I scrubbed and rubbed and squeezed him out, poured pitchers of water on the poor little guy and then remembered I didn't have a hair dryer. No way to dry my sopping wet now 15-pound cat. We rigged a fan+heater and that seemed to do the trick.
All this because I was petting him and saw a bug. At the time, I would have just rather left the bug crawling through his fur. It was heartbreaking to hear him cry in the shower. Then I saw this article about how sleeping with your pets can kill you if they have bugs.
So now I feel better.
Today was my last day of BIO 114, and tomorrow is my final for ECON 150. These three weeks have flown, and I can't believe the amount of reading I have done.
And cleaning.
And cooking. I have cooked a lot. Then the kitchen gets dirty.
So I have to clean some more.
But it's ok, because I wear my fancy apron =)
It's time to clean out my car. After the 3 inches of fresh snow melts, of course. I will be making snow cream soon, though, and I AM rather excited about that.
I gave Claws a shower today, since I don't have a bath tub, I figured he couldn't actually have a bath...
I basically threw him in the shower with the water on and stood on a chair so I could reach the shower head and move the water to the cat. He was so upset that he jumped up and scratched my arm—while it was at the TOP of the shower. At least now I know he can jump. We then released the cat from the shower, soap in hand, and petted him to death with cat shampoo. He didn't complain too much until we got back in the shower, but he was more calm with my company. I scrubbed and rubbed and squeezed him out, poured pitchers of water on the poor little guy and then remembered I didn't have a hair dryer. No way to dry my sopping wet now 15-pound cat. We rigged a fan+heater and that seemed to do the trick.
All this because I was petting him and saw a bug. At the time, I would have just rather left the bug crawling through his fur. It was heartbreaking to hear him cry in the shower. Then I saw this article about how sleeping with your pets can kill you if they have bugs.
So now I feel better.
Today was my last day of BIO 114, and tomorrow is my final for ECON 150. These three weeks have flown, and I can't believe the amount of reading I have done.
And cleaning.
And cooking. I have cooked a lot. Then the kitchen gets dirty.
So I have to clean some more.
But it's ok, because I wear my fancy apron =)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Happy New Year!
So Christmas has come and gone, along with New Year's and here I am, back at school! I'm taking 2 classes over three weeks, so I'm actually doing quite a bit of studying. I'm getting a few hours of work in there, as well, but there are two things completely over shadowing school right now—getting Claws back to Bowling Green and going wedding dress shopping with Amy on Saturday!!! It's weird to not have Claws waiting for me when I get home from class or work, but it's stopped taking me by surprise, and putting all my new kitchen gadgets away was a breeze without him crawling in the cabinets.
Not too much is happening outside of work and school, but it'd been a month since my last update, so I felt like it was over due.
Not too much is happening outside of work and school, but it'd been a month since my last update, so I felt like it was over due.
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