But right now, I'm not.
I just stayed up until almost 2 a.m. finishing an essay that was required to be 15 pages long. It was over an interview that took maybe an hour. If I had written down the entire interview, verbatim, it would have been 10 pages, max. But that's not the point.
The point of this blog post is: I love my cat.
Claws is not a normal cat, I think we all know this by now. He lets me pick him up and hold him like a baby, he loves having his belly rubbed, he argues with me, he plays with me, I go bowling with him and he is the funniest little guy to watch play football.
Normally, Clawsy cat naps on the top of the love seat while he waits for one of his humans to get home (and feed him..fatty) or pay attention to him in general. When I go to bed, he usually goes to bed. When I get up, he gets up. When I eat breakfast, he eats breakfast.
Ok, you caught me, that was a joke. I usually eat breakfast while sprinting to work. And it's usually a granola bar, they're easier to eat than poptarts while running, I have found.
Anyway, the moral of the story is that Claws is currently curled up on my legs, waiting for me to be done so we can go to bed. It's so silly how much I love this cat. He's cute and cuddly, but he's also a dang good motivator. I want nothing more right now than to go curl up with my doodle bug and wake up to his wimpy meow in the morning because I hit the snooze button too many times.
I wasn't sure I wanted him here for the first month I lived in this new apartment. It's $30/month to keep him here, and for a college student, that's a lot. There are some days when I think I should have left him in Murray (like when I found out he's been chewing on the cords to the curtains! But hey, I haven't paid $90 for nothin'!)
So, Clawsy cat, you rock. I know you can't read, but you sit on my computer a lot, so maybe you'll figure this out anyway.

Claws is not a cat. He looks like a cat, has fur like a cat, but is not a cat. He would be an interesting research project.