We had a party.

I am officially the cat lady.
Exciting things from last week:
I got the estimate on the damage on my car: 1,134. However, Pat Simmons has yet to answer the phone or call me back. Time for a police report?
I found a b-e-a-u-tiful apartment that's within walking distance from campus. I'm attempting to bail on my current place and get in this one. It has a blue kitchen, a red bathroom, a giant living room and hardwood floors.
Brian and I went to Louisville for the Southeast Christian (6 Flags over Jesus) Easter Pageant. It was a musical. There was a camel. And people descending from the ceiling. And a rotating floor. Needless to say, it was a bit overwhelming for this small-town Church of Christ girl, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. If you have an attendance of 16,000, at least you can do a lot of good work and put those resources to good use (ie, someone probably owns a camel?)
Went out to the Rexroat's to get Claws tonight, and of course, stayed more than the 15 minutes it takes to actually pick a cat up and put him in a car. But that's ok =)
There's more, but let's not kid ourselves, it's 14 minutes past my bed time.
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