But let's be serious, there's not that much to talk about.
I didn't find Buddy, (it just jumped up to 38, so I think we're safe) my little point and shoot camera, in Murray over the weekend. I decided to clean out my car, thinking maybe he was lost under a seat or suffocating in my trunk.
No such luck.
The good news—my car is the cleanest it's been since it was purchased in July 2009.
The bad news—I still can't find the camera =( AND my apartment looks like a small disaster zone. There's no where safe to walk, stand, or sit...probably.
Maybe tomorrow I'll look in my closet, but that's the last place I can think of. I looked under my bed when I rearranged, so that's out. The last time I had him was right before Thanksgiving when my roof starting leaking into my closet. I took pictures of that and don't remember using him after that. Sad day.
Tonight's adventures will include food and hiding in the pj lab and hopefully accomplishing some nice product for tomorrow's class. The fire alarms in Mass Media and Technology Hall (I said that in my tour guide voice) were going nuts yesterday, and they actually closed the building, so I couldn't work on it last night. That's ok though because I had to go see a play called "Khamaseen" for my theater appreciation class. It was pretty good, but there were some really immature people sitting behind me that more or less ruined the experience for me. I'm sad to report that the same ator that played Gaston in Beauty in the Beast back in September play a wife-beating-man-whore in this movie. But that's ok, if you're good at being a jerk, stick with it!
(In the crazy happenstance that Joshua Stinson, the student who played these parts, reads this, I am in no way dismissing your acting abilities based on the two characters I've seen you portray. I'm sure you're an upstanding gentleman that just wants to get ahead in your career and will play whatever role you are called to do, and you just happen to do them very well.)
I feel the need to paint something. Katie had a really cool painting she did and it made me want to copy cat it, sort of. Because she's just cool like that.
Oh! An update on the water situation!
There's not one.
Go figure.
PS-no, that's not copied and pasted, no progress has been made as of 9:15 this morning when I left my apartment. And rent is due by the end of the week. Part of me wants to not pay it until I have running water. But the other part of me likes having somewhere to live...
Speaking of Copy and Paste:

Don't be a copy Cat!