So Claws took the wheel and drove us back to Murray yesterday.
Ok, well, I drove most of it, but he helped. Specifically when going over the bridges in LBL. Wonderful time to crawl up on the wheel, kitten. NOT. But it's ok, we lived.
This homeland adventure was due to the fact that I had almost no tread left on my tires, and before I venture down to Athens to shoot engagement pictures, padre said they needed replacing.
I met mom at Carroll Tire just after four to start the process, and lo and behold, they don't actually have any tires in stock that would fit my car. So the default was Wal*Mart, which was a success. I had to get out of my car, and Claws had to come with me. He hates auto shops.
But he was very popular. I didn't know so many people exited through the auto shop in Wal*Mart. Ah, well, you learn something new every day.
My list of things to do while I'm home includes look for Buddy, my point-and-shoot. He's much easier to take quick pictures with, and I haven't seen him since before Thanksgiving. No bueno. I also need to go see Carmen and Brent's nursery for the twins! Mom sent me a few pictures, but since I also bought a few diapers, I have a delivery to make =)
I also brought home some aqua Ball mason jars for Clark and Amy's wedding, so Momma and I will be playing with making lanterns out of those, probably.
I'm currently watching Holmes on Holmes and...blogging. But I need to get up and shower so I'll be ready for my lunch date with Katie DeCillo. We're going to play with her new speedlights!
Oh! An update on the water situation.
There's not one.
Go figure.
PS Keep checking bcphotosite.com for updates. I change things around a lot, and feedback is always good!
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