It's officially been a week since I "moved out" of my apartment for lack of water. The Rexroats are now in California and I'm sure my cat is lonely. At first he ran away from the kids and hid all day, but as of Monday night he was crawling in Mike's lap and lying in the middle of the floor while the kiddos ran around and played. I'm sure he misses them now, though, in that big ole house with nobody to play with. I did open the curtain for him and leave his toys in the kitchen so he could attack them. I'll try to get a video of him running around the kitchen—cat+hardwood floors=hilarious.
On Tuesday I got a parking ticket for being parked at a meter. I will admit that I have parked many times at meters without paying, but for whatever reason, I did on Tuesday. I got a ticket at 9:20, returned to my car at 9:28, and I still had six minutes left! WHAT GIVES? Needless to say, I appealed it. I'm hoping I was nice enough in the email I sent that included a picture of the meter.
I had my first Marketing test on Tuesday and got an 80 on it. Guess I should actually read through ALL of the chapters next time rather than hitting the highlights.
Speaking of highlights, here they are:
I still have no water. Before it would at least come through enough to fill up the toilet so I could pee at my apartment if I needed to, but that is no more.
I have ants because I can't wash my dishes—I had made breakfast the morning my water went out. It involved pancakes which involved syrup. I gotta buy some poison stuff.
I'm currently drinking coffee and sweet tea and it's 60 degrees outside. Life is a little hectic living in two places at once, but overall, life is good =)
I love my cat. Clearly.
ant terror for your pests