So, my life as of the past week has been quite crazy.
1.) Brian changed his major
2.) Picture Stories is already stressing me out
3.) I keep having to drive in the snow
4.)I have no running water
5.) Claws decided to puke everywhere
6.) Zumba is kicking my butt. And my thighs.
1—The day after we had our first pj class, Brian decided he wasn't going to do it anymore. It stresses him out to find a story and he gets grumpy and decided that he wanted to do something he has a true passion for—helping people. He is now majoring in social studies with an education minor and wants to be a high school teacher. It may add up to an extra year of school for him, but he's on a four year scholarship right now, so adding another shouldn't be too pricey, especially since he's genius and got a good ACT score. There are always more scholarships!
2—I thought I had a story nailed down for Picture Stories (my photo class this semester. it requires a full story once a week, with the exception of two portrait series and the on-going final project. It'll make me be a multi-tasker for sure!) So I held off on shooting waiting for the class I needed to shoot, which was at the hospital and was then informed that I can do no such thing until I consult the marketing department. Boo. So that was a bust. I called roughly 4,000 other local businesses and finally landed on shooting a teacher at a cosmetology school. She was totally open to the idea and was super awesome, but the school was closed for the next three days due to snow. FAIL. So, I talked to me teacher and I'll be using a reshoot on that assignment.
Next week's assignment is "Love," so I'm shooting Wes and Heather Claiborne, and I know where they live so they can't bail on me =)
3— I don't have much tread on my tires. I slip a lot. I'm scared to park on the hill. But I have to go to class and can't ever find level parking spaces. Also, I STILL suck at parallel parking. (I'm practicing a lot though, I promise!)
4—Tuesday morning I woke up early to shoot, so I grabbed a quick five minute shower. I noticed it was colder than normal, but I equated that to my grumpiness and lack of coffee. As I got ready and fed the cat (and tripped over the cat) and went on my merrily little was, I wanted to brush my teeth. This presented a problem-I had no water. Nothing coming out of the faucet in the bathroom. I tried the kitchen; it was a bust. I was even silly enough to try the shower-nothing. So I grumbled and got out my Brita pitcher and brushed my teeth the old school way (think Pilgrim kind of old school.) I called my landlord on the way to my shoot and she said she'd send someone out later that day. She did, and the poor soul called me to ask a few questions, therefore giving me his phone number.
I returned home around seven that night and still had no way, but I did have something new! Muddy footprints EVERYWHERE. Needless to say, I was thrilled. I gathered my shower stuff and called my adoptive family, the Rexroats, who had generously offered me their working shower. I then called my landlord/realtor (I'm still not sure) and got no answer. So I called the repairman and he informed that FIRST thing tomorrow they'd be out to replace the broken valve! Thank goodness!
The next morning there were four guys and three trucks standing around the driveway, all doing the same thing—idling. I made them all move so I could go to work and thanked them for their time.
I returned home after class/the gym (church was cancelled due to snow) and had MORE muddy footprints and STILL no water. I called my landlord/realtor (I really should figure out who I'm dealing with) and again, got no answer. So I called the repairman, who "hated to be the one to tell me this" but that there was a clog in the line and it needed to be replaced. They can't dig until the city comes to mark all underground lines, which would be Monday, and they should hopefully have it fixed by Wednesday at the latest. Glorious.
I called the Rexroats after that; Claws and I are currently residing in Smiths Grove with three sweet children who wake up at the butt crack of dawn. And yell at my precious cat. But that's ok, he just hides under their bed, much to their dismay. Looking back, I take pity on Raja and laugh at how everyone must have looked at me. Because I'm looking at these kids the same way. When the kids go to bed, Claws comes out from hiding in my/Gavin's room and plays and runs around. He's not used to having so much room to play! And I'm not used to being able to lie down in the floor with him =)
5—I don't know why Claws decides to eat the yarn ball. I really don't. But it makes him sick, and every time he barfs, I have to clean the carpet. When I clean the carpet, it gets REALLY clean, and my apartment looks like a giraffe print has been laid on the floor. Also, he eats the rubber bands that hold the yarn ball together. Know how I know?
I found them in the litter box.
6—Zumba is so much fun! There are two different teachers at Preston, and they are very different, but the change of pace is good. I was a little sad I didn't go this morning, but I felt the need to save gas (it's a 40 mile round trip to BG from Smiths Grove.) However, almost-2-year-old Katie has decided I am a human jungle gym, and this is adequate exercise. It usually doesn't get as sweaty, either.
So that's my life as of now. I'm currently sitting in Panera Bread (free wi-fi!) with Brian and his parents. He's filling them in on the next two years and what kind of classes he has to take and yada yada yada. I've had four cups of coffee and have typed this whole thing in about three seconds. I mean minutes. Roughly. And it's not even noon.
I ordered bridemaid's dress #2, a lovely deep red linen dress, and cannot wait for the next 7-10 business days for it to arrive! Amy has decided upon deep gem-like colors for the bridesmaid. The other two have a golden dress and the other girl has a choice between purple and blue. I'm really excited for the next step in A's wedding plans! (I get consulted quite a bit, and I love hearing how excited she gets about every little detail!) I am so ready for June! Carmen's twins will be here and I can officially call Amy my sister! Woot!
I have to go see Romeo and Juliet at the theater tonight for my theater appreciation class. Monday night is Valentine's!! Oh, wait. I don't care. Tuesday night, Dave Barnes is coming to BG, fo FREE! I'm more excited about that than anything.
All in all, life is good =)
Be praying for John and new job possibilities! Things are looking good in NC!