The good news is, it's still funny!
I finally dumped my piggy bank out the other day (um, try three weeks ago?) and counted out the stash I'd been creating since school started back in August. It amounted to a rather large sum. I didn't believe I was capable of saving that much money, so I recounted it twice, and all I could think of was how gross the dollar bills are. People probably stored them in their shoes, gum-filled purses, sticky wallets and pulled them out to buy medicine when they had the flu.
I wanted to wash my money. And take a bath in hand sanitizer.
Hand washing wouldn't be effective, (It was a lot of money for a college kid!) so I giggled at the thought of washing it in the washing machine.
Isn't that called money laundering?
I really wanted to launder my money.
I still have no idea what money laundering really is, but I'm convinced it involves the sanitation of dollar bills.
Here are some pictures.

I PLANTED A PLANT AND IT HASN'T DIED! Also, I planted five and only have one. But it's better than nothing? The pot is self-watering and matches my new accent color. And was $4 at TJ Maxx. Thrifty and allows me to not pay as much attention to the little guy.

Glass sale at Hob Lob! Just little splashes of the new turquiosey color.

Got this for $5 at the Hob Lob. The true inspiration for my new room, and I just love what it says. (When FB had that awkward white box under the profile picture, Brian's blurb had something very similar to this. Neato.)

This is Claws sitting on the bed I made him. On the bottom of the book shelf. The fabric matches the stuff behind the TV, the foam is from my hope chest bench project, and it's stapled onto the box from my new night stand. Thrifty, I know.

I'm adding the new turquoise color in little places — got this fabric from Hancock's and replaced the old red/black combo. It matches my hope chest cushion!

Yeah, there are 80 bajillion things on top of my hope chest and I said there wouldn't be, but the point is that I'm making the top into a bench! (I'm also switching out my winter/summer clothes since we skipped spring this year.)
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