Snow pictures make me happy =)
Monday: Class. Break. Class. Lunch. Class. Call from Sambica summer camp. I am to expect another call very soon. It's super exciting! The way it sounds right now, I'll be a boat driver, which amuses me, but he seemed desperate, so I guess I'll have to polish my skills the few weeks of summer I have before I leave. I'm supposed to teach kids to water ski if I get this position, which will be amusing. "Just pretend you're in a chair. But make sure you have jelly legs!" What? How do you sit in a chair made of jelly?
Today: Speech class this morning, called Claire before I left and she was just outside ATL. After class I went to lunch with Leah and Mitchell. On the way down we stopped to listen to the crazy preachers that periodically visit our campus, which amused me for a while. Then I took a shower and headed to Cracker Barrel. They need someone for Tuesdays and Thursdays. I've got a wide open Tuesday, but my stinkin' multimedia class hogs three hours of my Thursday. I looked into rearranging my schedule just for the sake of having a job, but it's essentially impossible. I guess I'll call back tomorrow and re-offer what I've already got and try to sell myself in a completely non-sexual/non-prostitute way.
I went to Target and Dollar Deals. I bought a pint of orange and apple juice for the sake of a free dozen eggs. I guess I'm making omlettes Saturday morning...I also ran into Kourtney, who I did NOT know worked there. She's getting married in May and I've dropped about 267826718561564 hints about how I'd LOVE to shoot her wedding =) I'm getting ready to work on some of my wedding stuff from December for possible portfolio stuff anyway, so that only makes me want to shoot hers more.
I came back to Poland in time to give myself a papercut and go to Bible Study downstairs, followed by a pj majors meeting. If it weren't for the free candy and a chance of a door prize, I so would NOT go..maybe. It was Leah's first, so I had to.
My Pandora is currently set to "A Capella" and I had NO idea so many crazy songs have a capella versions. Right now it's Justin Timberlake; remotely ruining the ideas I had in store haha.
I've got a quick speech to outline and some notes to highlight, so I shall cease the blogging.
Shouldn't you be hibernating? Don't give me that look!
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