This is my first "multimedia" project.
It's only one media, and I'm not sure how much I really like it.
Also, I got bright pink highlighter on my blue and green pillow case last night. NOT cool. I had a public speaking test today, which I feel rather confident about =) I'm giving an informative speech No lie, I'm excited. Also, I'm going home this weekend for lots of fun things, including: Seussical the Musical, helping my Katie do baby portraits, and PLAYING WITH MILKSHAKE, among other things.
I miss my kitty.
Ok, I have an hour until class starts, time for food.
PS this video is taking forever to upload.
I'm still hungry.
And I'm getting impatient.
It failed.
I'll try again later.
It's 1:47....47 minutes since I started this. Meh.
your not-so-average student/journalist/photographer/tour guide trying to survive life, including a precious cat/baby.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
College: Spring 2010 -- Day 28
Well, for starters, I had to give my camera to my friend Kori for a little bit. She's taking an Intro to Digital Photography class this semester, and her camera has decided to stop focusing. We have the same make and model, so I loaned her mine until her new one arrives. Thus, the pictures I DID have ready to post will be a little while longer in posting.
The past week has been a bit hectic, but it has finally warmed up a LOT! I was growing very tired of cold, rain, and snow. And then more rain and then more cold and then more snow. The cycle seems to have ceased as of yesterday, I can tell because Megan was reading with her feet sticking out the window.
On today's to-do list includes outlining my speech for next week, which is on photography/cameras ( and will be awesome), mailing some awesome bracelets to Betsy because I'm remotely obsessed, and mailing a check to FCCLA for the state awards banquet on March 30.
This weekend included shopping for swim suits for spring break, which I cannot believe is only two weeks away, a black shirt for the wedding we've been asked to shoot in April (our second! I'm excited) and a dress for state meeting. We also went to Outback...again. Last time we went we got a coupon for $10 off and a free bloomin' onion, so you best believe we were about to hit that up.
In other news: I'M EMPLOYED! I'll be working for Nancy's AllStar Photo when the spring season starts to kick in. I start out at $8/hour as a "poser" and then $10/hour as a coordinator (still not sure what that is) and by the fall they said I should be a for real photographer!! That sounds funny to me because, come on, I'm about to shoot my second wedding with a possible third in May and fourth in August. But it's whatever. Being a photog means $13/hour shooting portraits and games and tournaments, so I think I'll just shut my mouth..for now. Still no news of when the Rue 21 is coming to BG, but part of me hopes it isn't until next semester so I don't have to worry about being gone all summer.
Monday night cookoff has been moved to tomorrow since Megan has a night class tonight, but we shall begin the shopping for baked potato bar. I'm super excited, and so is B...the carboholic.
Speaking of carbs, I'm gonna go eat some breakfast.
Eh, we'll call it a snack =)
The past week has been a bit hectic, but it has finally warmed up a LOT! I was growing very tired of cold, rain, and snow. And then more rain and then more cold and then more snow. The cycle seems to have ceased as of yesterday, I can tell because Megan was reading with her feet sticking out the window.
On today's to-do list includes outlining my speech for next week, which is on photography/cameras ( and will be awesome), mailing some awesome bracelets to Betsy because I'm remotely obsessed, and mailing a check to FCCLA for the state awards banquet on March 30.
This weekend included shopping for swim suits for spring break, which I cannot believe is only two weeks away, a black shirt for the wedding we've been asked to shoot in April (our second! I'm excited) and a dress for state meeting. We also went to Outback...again. Last time we went we got a coupon for $10 off and a free bloomin' onion, so you best believe we were about to hit that up.
In other news: I'M EMPLOYED! I'll be working for Nancy's AllStar Photo when the spring season starts to kick in. I start out at $8/hour as a "poser" and then $10/hour as a coordinator (still not sure what that is) and by the fall they said I should be a for real photographer!! That sounds funny to me because, come on, I'm about to shoot my second wedding with a possible third in May and fourth in August. But it's whatever. Being a photog means $13/hour shooting portraits and games and tournaments, so I think I'll just shut my mouth..for now. Still no news of when the Rue 21 is coming to BG, but part of me hopes it isn't until next semester so I don't have to worry about being gone all summer.
Monday night cookoff has been moved to tomorrow since Megan has a night class tonight, but we shall begin the shopping for baked potato bar. I'm super excited, and so is B...the carboholic.
Speaking of carbs, I'm gonna go eat some breakfast.
Eh, we'll call it a snack =)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
College: Spring 2010 -- Day 22
I wouldn't call it slacking, per se.
I would just call it lots of snow and tests appearing out of no where. My first audio assignment is due Thursday and I'm halfway done with it =D
Also, first biology test tomorrow; flash cards smell like Sharpie so bad I can no longer study.
Watching Marley and Me was a bad choice.
I'm getting my hair trimmed tomorrow.
Ok, I'm slacking. I promise there will be pictures....eventually.
I would just call it lots of snow and tests appearing out of no where. My first audio assignment is due Thursday and I'm halfway done with it =D
Also, first biology test tomorrow; flash cards smell like Sharpie so bad I can no longer study.
Watching Marley and Me was a bad choice.
I'm getting my hair trimmed tomorrow.
Ok, I'm slacking. I promise there will be pictures....eventually.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
College: Spring 2010 -- Day 17
"Dear Caitlin,
Thank you for applying to the Part-Time Sales Teammate (9776) position.
Please know that we have reviewed your application and qualifications; however, you were not selected for the position.
We truly appreciate your interest in the Buckle and we wish you success in your job search.
Buckle Recruiting Team
This is an automated email; please do not reply to this email address."
Dear Buckle Recruiting Team,
Rue 21 is putting a store in the Greenwood Mall in Bowling Green, so I essentially still have a job. Feel free to stick that in your juice box and SUCK IT.
Thank you for applying to the Part-Time Sales Teammate (9776) position.
Please know that we have reviewed your application and qualifications; however, you were not selected for the position.
We truly appreciate your interest in the Buckle and we wish you success in your job search.
Buckle Recruiting Team
This is an automated email; please do not reply to this email address."
Dear Buckle Recruiting Team,
Rue 21 is putting a store in the Greenwood Mall in Bowling Green, so I essentially still have a job. Feel free to stick that in your juice box and SUCK IT.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
College: Spring 2010 -- Day 16
That's the most important part of today, I do believe. A text message/email alert went around 4:45 this morning notifying students that all classes at all campuses were canceled. It honestly surprised me, because the sidewalks are clearer than they were this past weekend when we had snow. I don't know what their motivation was, but I'll take it! I got a phone tree call telling me that church tonight has been called off, so no free meal =(
Today is Megan's (the new roomie) birthday! So last night I went to one of the stores on campus, and by "went" I really mean "ice skated", and bought a warm delights brownie bowl for her. Kels and I cooked it and put candles in it and were ready to bring it to her when she turned the corner and found us. Cue the birthday song and Kori comes out and tells us we're under the smoke detector, so we had some fanning to do. The brownie was so hot it melted the candles all over the place, but oh well. It was an experience indeed. I also went to see the showing of "Trimpin: the sound of invention" last night. It was really interesting, no lie. This guy is some kind of musical genius. He lives in Seattle, which means I may get a chance to visit him since I GOT A JOB AT SAMBICA SUMMER CAMP!!! I got a call while I was helping out with a 131 Intro to Digital Photography class and called back on my break. I'm so excited about this experience, you have no idea. I've already been looking up plane tickets. It's going to be such an AMAZING summer, for sure. I can only imagine what God has in store for me.
I also had a job interview at The Buckle yesterday at noon. It was really short but I feel ok about it. I'm supposed to hear back today whether or not they want me, so I'm stalking my email hardcore. Let's just say if I get this job, it will be a HUGE step up from Rue 21.
Essentially nothing cool happened Monday; at least nothing I can remember. Well, Megan got her own key, which was awesome because now we don't have to bounce one key back and forth.
I don't have the cable for my camera so I'm gonna hold off on pictures for a little bit. I've made an executive decision to be nothing but lazy today, and so far, it's a success. I made muffins and bacon, and by "I" everyone should know by now I mean Brian and myself, and it was awesome. We may go to Wal*mart later and get a bigger brown belt for Brian, because who knew that if you wear a 32 in pants you don't wear a 32 in belts? Not us, that's for sure. And trying it on in the store would have been WAY too logical. We're geniuses. And we're about to be napping geniuses. The end.
Love and muffins!
That's the most important part of today, I do believe. A text message/email alert went around 4:45 this morning notifying students that all classes at all campuses were canceled. It honestly surprised me, because the sidewalks are clearer than they were this past weekend when we had snow. I don't know what their motivation was, but I'll take it! I got a phone tree call telling me that church tonight has been called off, so no free meal =(
Today is Megan's (the new roomie) birthday! So last night I went to one of the stores on campus, and by "went" I really mean "ice skated", and bought a warm delights brownie bowl for her. Kels and I cooked it and put candles in it and were ready to bring it to her when she turned the corner and found us. Cue the birthday song and Kori comes out and tells us we're under the smoke detector, so we had some fanning to do. The brownie was so hot it melted the candles all over the place, but oh well. It was an experience indeed. I also went to see the showing of "Trimpin: the sound of invention" last night. It was really interesting, no lie. This guy is some kind of musical genius. He lives in Seattle, which means I may get a chance to visit him since I GOT A JOB AT SAMBICA SUMMER CAMP!!! I got a call while I was helping out with a 131 Intro to Digital Photography class and called back on my break. I'm so excited about this experience, you have no idea. I've already been looking up plane tickets. It's going to be such an AMAZING summer, for sure. I can only imagine what God has in store for me.
I also had a job interview at The Buckle yesterday at noon. It was really short but I feel ok about it. I'm supposed to hear back today whether or not they want me, so I'm stalking my email hardcore. Let's just say if I get this job, it will be a HUGE step up from Rue 21.
Essentially nothing cool happened Monday; at least nothing I can remember. Well, Megan got her own key, which was awesome because now we don't have to bounce one key back and forth.
I don't have the cable for my camera so I'm gonna hold off on pictures for a little bit. I've made an executive decision to be nothing but lazy today, and so far, it's a success. I made muffins and bacon, and by "I" everyone should know by now I mean Brian and myself, and it was awesome. We may go to Wal*mart later and get a bigger brown belt for Brian, because who knew that if you wear a 32 in pants you don't wear a 32 in belts? Not us, that's for sure. And trying it on in the store would have been WAY too logical. We're geniuses. And we're about to be napping geniuses. The end.
Love and muffins!
Monday, February 8, 2010
College: Spring 2010 -- Day Fourteen
Terrific Top Three!

Breakfast, moving Megan in (her boyfriend and his roommate, Chris and Brice), and dinner Saturday night. I'm super tired after the day of the Super Bowl. I'm super pumped the Saints won though. I really don't have a lot to update on other than I got an email from an online application asking me to call and schedule and interview. We'll see how that plays out =)
G'night world.
Breakfast, moving Megan in (her boyfriend and his roommate, Chris and Brice), and dinner Saturday night. I'm super tired after the day of the Super Bowl. I'm super pumped the Saints won though. I really don't have a lot to update on other than I got an email from an online application asking me to call and schedule and interview. We'll see how that plays out =)
G'night world.
Friday, February 5, 2010
College: Spring 2010 -- Day 11
This one's going to be incredibly short because it's so late.
Without further to do, the Top Three:

To sum it up, I organized all my drink...accessories? Got a new toy for my multimedia class, and GOT A ROOMMATE! An email was sent out to all the single ladies in Poland telling us we had to get roommates or pay, and all the girls without roommates were listed. After some facebook stalking, I decided to go visit Megan on the 9th floor. It was essentially love at first sight. We went on our first date tonight in the castle, and she's moving in Saturday afternoon. I'm super excited! She seems very laid back and down to Earth.
I finished my Sambica phone interview today, and I assume that as soon as my references get it together and fill out the forms I sent, I'll hear back about whether or not I'll be spending my summer in Seattle.
It's late. 8:30 comes early.
Without further to do, the Top Three:
To sum it up, I organized all my drink...accessories? Got a new toy for my multimedia class, and GOT A ROOMMATE! An email was sent out to all the single ladies in Poland telling us we had to get roommates or pay, and all the girls without roommates were listed. After some facebook stalking, I decided to go visit Megan on the 9th floor. It was essentially love at first sight. We went on our first date tonight in the castle, and she's moving in Saturday afternoon. I'm super excited! She seems very laid back and down to Earth.
I finished my Sambica phone interview today, and I assume that as soon as my references get it together and fill out the forms I sent, I'll hear back about whether or not I'll be spending my summer in Seattle.
It's late. 8:30 comes early.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
College: Spring 2010 -- Day Nine (Happy Groundhog Day!)
Today's Top Three:

Snow pictures make me happy =)
Monday: Class. Break. Class. Lunch. Class. Call from Sambica summer camp. I am to expect another call very soon. It's super exciting! The way it sounds right now, I'll be a boat driver, which amuses me, but he seemed desperate, so I guess I'll have to polish my skills the few weeks of summer I have before I leave. I'm supposed to teach kids to water ski if I get this position, which will be amusing. "Just pretend you're in a chair. But make sure you have jelly legs!" What? How do you sit in a chair made of jelly?
Today: Speech class this morning, called Claire before I left and she was just outside ATL. After class I went to lunch with Leah and Mitchell. On the way down we stopped to listen to the crazy preachers that periodically visit our campus, which amused me for a while. Then I took a shower and headed to Cracker Barrel. They need someone for Tuesdays and Thursdays. I've got a wide open Tuesday, but my stinkin' multimedia class hogs three hours of my Thursday. I looked into rearranging my schedule just for the sake of having a job, but it's essentially impossible. I guess I'll call back tomorrow and re-offer what I've already got and try to sell myself in a completely non-sexual/non-prostitute way.
I went to Target and Dollar Deals. I bought a pint of orange and apple juice for the sake of a free dozen eggs. I guess I'm making omlettes Saturday morning...I also ran into Kourtney, who I did NOT know worked there. She's getting married in May and I've dropped about 267826718561564 hints about how I'd LOVE to shoot her wedding =) I'm getting ready to work on some of my wedding stuff from December for possible portfolio stuff anyway, so that only makes me want to shoot hers more.
I came back to Poland in time to give myself a papercut and go to Bible Study downstairs, followed by a pj majors meeting. If it weren't for the free candy and a chance of a door prize, I so would NOT go..maybe. It was Leah's first, so I had to.
My Pandora is currently set to "A Capella" and I had NO idea so many crazy songs have a capella versions. Right now it's Justin Timberlake; remotely ruining the ideas I had in store haha.
I've got a quick speech to outline and some notes to highlight, so I shall cease the blogging.

Shouldn't you be hibernating? Don't give me that look!
Snow pictures make me happy =)
Monday: Class. Break. Class. Lunch. Class. Call from Sambica summer camp. I am to expect another call very soon. It's super exciting! The way it sounds right now, I'll be a boat driver, which amuses me, but he seemed desperate, so I guess I'll have to polish my skills the few weeks of summer I have before I leave. I'm supposed to teach kids to water ski if I get this position, which will be amusing. "Just pretend you're in a chair. But make sure you have jelly legs!" What? How do you sit in a chair made of jelly?
Today: Speech class this morning, called Claire before I left and she was just outside ATL. After class I went to lunch with Leah and Mitchell. On the way down we stopped to listen to the crazy preachers that periodically visit our campus, which amused me for a while. Then I took a shower and headed to Cracker Barrel. They need someone for Tuesdays and Thursdays. I've got a wide open Tuesday, but my stinkin' multimedia class hogs three hours of my Thursday. I looked into rearranging my schedule just for the sake of having a job, but it's essentially impossible. I guess I'll call back tomorrow and re-offer what I've already got and try to sell myself in a completely non-sexual/non-prostitute way.
I went to Target and Dollar Deals. I bought a pint of orange and apple juice for the sake of a free dozen eggs. I guess I'm making omlettes Saturday morning...I also ran into Kourtney, who I did NOT know worked there. She's getting married in May and I've dropped about 267826718561564 hints about how I'd LOVE to shoot her wedding =) I'm getting ready to work on some of my wedding stuff from December for possible portfolio stuff anyway, so that only makes me want to shoot hers more.
I came back to Poland in time to give myself a papercut and go to Bible Study downstairs, followed by a pj majors meeting. If it weren't for the free candy and a chance of a door prize, I so would NOT go..maybe. It was Leah's first, so I had to.
My Pandora is currently set to "A Capella" and I had NO idea so many crazy songs have a capella versions. Right now it's Justin Timberlake; remotely ruining the ideas I had in store haha.
I've got a quick speech to outline and some notes to highlight, so I shall cease the blogging.
Shouldn't you be hibernating? Don't give me that look!
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