Sunday, June 6, 2010


SAMBICA is only five days away; I'll be there Saturday!
I'm watching a nice combination of "Home is Where the Heart is" and Jon & Kate plus 8 because the premiere of Kate plus 8 comes on in an hour (Jon is a 'tard. Who ditches their wife and EIGHT CHILDREN?! Ugh.)
I lost my little point and shoot, Buddy. We took pictures on the lake on Monday with it, and it made it into the food crate and at least to the porch, then I got distracted by kitties and that's all I remember. Where ever he is, I miss him and I want him back. He needs to find me, because I can't find him.
I need to go find some food, because Momma and Daddy ate at life groups, so I'm out on my own. Sad day.
Momma and I have had a very movie-full weekend! We watched Up! and Tooth Fairy and they were great.
I'm gonna watch my movie/tv show now.

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