Welcome back to reality, everyone! I'm not sure if it's just the constant, drizzly rain or the fact that I loved Thanksgiving break, but I have been less than enthusiastic today. If you start the day at 2:15 a.m., of course. That's when Emily and I finished phase one of Christmasficating The Fiasco! Christmas music was playing the whole time, I got to bust out my decor that I bought for half-off back in January, and Claws just sat on the couch and stared at the shiny balls of light in his new perch. (The tree was still standing when I left for work this morning, but that's been hours ago...)
Thanksgiving was fun, considering it was the first one without my brother (and sister-in-law) or sister (and brother-in-law) around. We went to Tupelo on Wednesday night after Daddy got off work. Since I was the laziest of the day most-rested, I drove the first leg...to Paris, Tenn. 30 minutes down the road. We had to stop for food because I journey through town was so strenuous. Thursday Mom, Dad and I took a lap around the neighborhood since the weather was GORGEOUS, and returned in time for a trip to Big Lots (I got some fall decor for 75 percent off. See a pattern?) and then deep-friends turkey. We visited with Gran, got our fill of the local family gossip (but no sweet tea, sadly), and went back to Mamaw and Papaw's for more food and then a small food coma.
There was not much "Black Friday" shopping to be had, but we did buy a few small things and strike out on many others. We went back to Ky that night and proceeded to bathe both cats (it was traumatic for all of us) because we found fleas on them. Still. I've been battling these guys for DECADES (read: two weeks) and no matter what I do, they prevail. Mom and I vacuumed and cleaned and washed and combed the cats, and I'm pretty sure they both still have fleas.
Saturday was a remotely lazy day. Oh, wait. No it wasn't. I call this section of break "You sneaky mom!" (Reference 3:41 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YQpbzQ6gzs ... it's way cuter that way.)
Daddy cleaned out his workshop...thing while mom and I dug through lights and changed bulbs and blew breakers and had a couple of Clark Griswald moments. When I climbed on the roof, Mom asked me to clean out the corners of the gutters. They were cluttered with leaves and sticks; cool.
"What about the rest of the gutter? Is it clogged, too?"
"There's pretty much dirt and leaves everywhere."
"Can you see how the gutters are covered?"
"It's a screen over the gutter that's screwed in. The only way to clean it out would be with a water hose."
Next thing I know, Mom's handing me the hose and the LEAKY nozzle so I can soak my sweatpants and store two cups of water in my shoes. Oh, and clean out the gutters. While I was spraying water everywhere, Mom also noticed how green the dormers and windows were, so she handed me a bucket of bleach water and a rag.
I was told my payment came in the form of college tuition. I think I will require an extra semester...
Two and half hours after I first climbed the ladder, the lights were on the house and fully functioning.
Yay Christmas!
Boo soggy socks.
After church on Sunday we ate at August Moon, I did some extra credit, packed up my car and headed back to BG in the rain. Also my cat puked in the carrier...again. (We're two for two.) I got back in time to let Claws in the apartment and jet down to the Herald, where I now sit writing this blog post. No worries, I have left since then, just not for long =) I put in my application for next semester with my #1 choice as the "Copy Desk Chief" after talking with this semester's chief last night. Just pray that God puts me where I need to be so that life in general will work out. (I occasionally freak out about the fact that I graduate in a year.)
There's still nothing happening at Student Pubs, and I didn't grab my backpack, so I guess I'll work on some online content for my classes. I'll try to post pictures later so you can see my half-off Christmas Winter Wonderland of an apartment.
That's all for Meow!
your not-so-average student/journalist/photographer/tour guide trying to survive life, including a precious cat/baby.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Photo-style update

I was working on filling out an internship application for LIfeWay in Nashville, and they ask for the link to your social media outlets, so after I googled my own blog to remember my username, I decided it might be worthwhile to update it. I also told my lovely roommate that her blog was full of grammar fails, and she responded with "AT LEAST I UPDATE IT" and so then I shut my grammar judging mouth.
Top to bottom, front to left:
1.) We took family pictures of the Rexroats. They're seriously precious. Yes, I'm biased.
2.) I got old(er.) Give it up for the monster s'more cake Momma made me via Pinterest find!
3.) I went to a wedding and coordinated with Anna because we had a date night and bought those dresses together from Plato's because we're poor.
4.) I locked Emily in the bathroom via stack of STUFF. She tried to eat my shark. THAT SHARK IS PRICELESS, EMILY.
5.) I went to Fall Retreat and fell asleep in the grass and was sick for...until now. Thanks, Kentucky.
6.) I made this wreath via Pinspiration. It was assembled with toothpicks so I can re-use that dumb $6 foam ring.
7.) Halloween: Brian was "Animal Control" and I was a cat. Who would have guessed? (We're on the far right.)
8.) We painted pumpkins at HFC Fall Retreat! Mine's the Minion and B's is the...Shrek-looking-thing.
9.) We shot a wedding in Hopkinsville with the theme of UK Blue. I did very well not to pUKe in my mouth.
10.) I found the most efficient way to charge batteries!
m pm;This week started out with the usual church-food-homework-nap-homework-babysit-Herlald-homework-sleep, except that while I was taking one of my boys to the bathroom, another fell and BUSTED HIS FACE OPEN. He got two stitches on his poor little baby nose. I feel just awful, though I did tell him tonight that he looks like Spiderman. I know there's nothing I could have done; Emily was two feet from him when it happened, it still just sucks to be the one in charge when that happens.
Also, my cat has fleas. No, I'm not sure exactly how many, all I know if that I've personally killed at least 30. (Did you know that fleas make a little popping noise when you kill them? Well, lucky you, now you do.) I've given him a bath and washed everything in this apartment. I also comb him any time I see him scratch. Flea combs are cheaper than Frontline, but WAY more tedious.
Good news, Claws feels netter. I have ho sp,e edocome amd e dodm
t eat a;; dau. nit mpw jes sottomg pm tje leunpatd/ (Interpretation: Good news, Claws feels better. I gave him some off-brand Frontline medicine and I think it made him sickly, because he didn't eat all day. He's now lying on top of my hands which are on the keyboard. Em had to come in and use brunt force to remove him/throw a treat on the opposite side of the room so he'd chase it.)
The wrap-up of junior year is looking to be stressful. We're almost caught up on [bc] work and I have a test in every single class before Tuesday. However, life is good. I have clean sheets (and pillows and stuffed animals) to crawl into, so I think I'll do just that.
To mom: You're welcome.
That's all for meow,
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