Tuesday, July 27, 2010


We've had about zero internet at camp, and I"m currently....borrowing from the neighbors, so I thought I"d throw in a quick update. This summer has been great! I can't believe next week is my last out here, then a week in Florida, then home. It had absolutely flown by, but I'm ready to not be wearing a one piece bathing suit under my clothes all day. I've got first grade girls this week and they're so much fun. One of them is from France and is teaching me two words every day. Her dad is the "chef of Starbucks." But really he's like the regional manager of Starbucks in France.
Did I mention most of these kids come from money? Yeah, they do. But most of the time you can't tell until they get to 4th of 5th grade.
It's almost time for dinner so I'm gonna get going.
See what they've done to me? Dinner. DINNER?!


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