Thursday-- I really don't remember anything exciting happening other than my first multimedia class. I know a few of the people in there, and I feel it will prove to be an interesting semester. I'm not new to stills and audio, I worked with them a lot senior year in broadcast, but Adobe Premiere is most likely VERY different from Final Cut Pro. Thank goodness I have Mac friends who produce videos...
Friday-- It was cold. All the snow that was supposed to be here at 6 am didn't evens tart until 2:45 or so. My morning class was canceled for essentially no good reason. Then again, this is the lady that sat behind Jesus in preschool, so maybe her thong sandals weren't gonna cut it in the cold weather. Other than that, pretty normal day until the snow hit pretty hard and didn't let up. After I went to my first WKU basketball game (and got a free scop of Culver's...I'm seeing a trend?) I was in Minton with B, so I didn't have Luna and I was tiny bits of upset. We hung out with Mitchell and Leah and played on my macbook and watched Along Came Polly and I broke a window and some other fun stuff that I forgot about that doesn't really matter anyway so the end.
Saturday-- Brian and I were going to cook breakfast for the two of us, but Mitchell and Leah were jealous, so we added them in. Then Kelsey found out and her friend from Louisville, Caitlin, decided to participate, too. By participate I mean sit in the hallway while I made pancakes two at a time in my tiny skillet. Roughly 30 pancakes...and two hours...later, everyone except Brian, Mitchell, and myself had eaten Jimmy John's and ditched on breakfast. Oh well, more bacon for me.
Towards the end of breakfast (and yes, I cleaned everything up, Mom...) B got a text message from one of his fraternity brothers declaring it was time for snow football. We rushed out and shot that for a bit then just roamed around and took pictures and played in the snow. Mostly it was just me playing, but that's ok. I accept the fact that I'm basically a 3-year-old at heart. I LOVE SNOW!
I know you're wondering where your pictures are, but hold your horses, I'm busy eating a turkey and cheese sandwich.
That was delicious. I would like everyone (both of you) to know that I have three types of Kool-Aid in my refrigerator. I'm not ashamed to say that two of them are the squeeze bottle kind, either.
Now for pictures, Jaws is getting grumpy because I'm not paying attention to him.
Ok, quick fact: The iPad could essentially kick my macbook in the face. Also, Apple just released a new version of the white 13-inch. I like it better. Of course, seeing as how this one isn't even a year old. Guess I'll order a keyboard cover and make myself feel special or something...
When you first walk into my room, this is what you see:

To your left you will see what I call a "couch." Please note the $3 pillows.

The rest of the left half, complete with leaning lamp of Big Lots.

I velcroed my iHome remote to the wall. Take THAT, alarm clock!

My kitchen area, including a tangle of's safe, I sorta promise.

My desk! And TV stand! And drawers!

New rolly cart thing that allowed me to move into my dorm in ONE trip. Thanks, Katie! Also, I now have a big kid mirror in my room =)

I have two closets! With matching curtains! I'm pretty proud of that, true story.

This is where I/and Kelsey/and Brian eat. I call it " pull out table for two"

But this is more typical...oh well

And since I can't have my real Milkshake, I have this one!

A few snow shots:
Yes, I did something incredibly cheesy. It took almost an hour. Don't judge me. I left one of my memory cards in Brian's bag, me. Anyway, here's what's on my hard drive thus far:
This is either either a) much braver or b) much stupider than I...

Yeah, that just happened...

That is all for now. I have new neighbors; they seem pretty cool. But as far as I'm concerned, roommate free is the way to be! (but only when you don't have to pay for it.)