Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oh, hey blog. I thought I would update you since I am clearly the reject of my family now, and mostly because of the incessant harassment from my mom..
Since July 1...hmmm....
I went to to Gatlinburg with B's family and managed to throw up cheez-its after too much hot tubbing with Amanda. We also went mining for rocks. And got a Christmas ornament that's a skillet with sausage and eggs in it. Breakfast is the best, after all.
Then we got home and I quit Montana Grille.
Then my brother got married.
Then Brian and I shot a wedding in London! ...Kentucky.
Then I moved apartments and got my cat back.

That is the reader's digest version, dear Blog. Now that I can access WKU's internet from my apartment, I'm sure these posts will be much more frequent and colorful.

I'm still getting settled into my new place, which sucks, because Emily has been settled since Monday. We arranged our kitchen last night, complete with post-its on every door and drawer so we remember where we put everything. I an more consumed with making sure my cat is comfy than putting my deodorant somewhere logical, which makes getting ready for work very difficult, as I found out this morning. The good news? It takes me four minutes to get to the office, and that's avoiding some minor construction.
Hope that's sufficient, mom, because I really want to eat my nutragrain bar now.


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